
375 7 0

camila garcia

I make my to the kitchen counter and try to reach for an empty cup stacked against the wall. I stand on my tip toes to reach it and successfully pull one from the stack. I smile to myself as I happily pour the liquor into my cup. As I'm about to bring the red solo cup to my lips someone roughly places their arm around my waist. I furrow my brows and look to my right only to find Mikey. I have never spoken to him but have seen him at plenty of my brothers parties. I stare at him and try to push him away from me but he only pulls me closer and whispers into my ear, "Go along with it."

I was just about ready to pour my drink all over his head before a blonde girl comes strutting along. She stares at me with a heavy glare. I don't even know whats happening before I am being pushed flat on my ass. My cup has been hurdled across the room. The angry blonde comes to charge at me again and I quickly get up on my own two feet. I quickly look to Mikey and he only stares at the two of us with a small smirk on his lips.

My full attention is diverted back to the girl who reaches out to grab me a second time. I dodge her hand and push her as hard as I can. She stumbles backwards but catches herself before completely busting her ass. I then proceed to walk towards her and swing my hand as hard as I possibly can. It comes in contact with her cheek and her whole face is jolted to the side. I try to punch her again but I am pulled back into Mikey's arms. I kick my legs and try to pry his heavy hands off of me. Instead he carries me out of the kitchen as I begin screaming names at the girl who is still dumbfounded from the impact.

The music and crowd begins to fade as he forcefully carries me down the long hallway. He kicks open the door to a room at the end of the hall. He shuts it with his foot and places me onto the queen size mattress. His small chuckles are the only thing vibrating through the room as he stands infront of me on the bed. I scoff and stand on my feet.

"I don't get it, who was that psychotic bitch." I spit as I glare at him.

"A clingy ex." He grins at me, amused.

"I don't have time for this, I'm out of here." I fold my arms across my chest and attempt to walk out the door.

"Look, I didn't know she would lash out like that." He grabs ahold of my wrist and halts me from opening the door. I yank my wrist away from him and raise a brow.

"Leave me alone or I swear I will have my brother kick your ass." I warn.

He grins at me and takes a few steps back with his hands in the air. I turn away from him and open the door gladly stepping out into the hallway. As I walk down the long corridor he yells rather loudly, "I think you're sexy when you're mad."

I raise my middle finger in the air as I walk straight ahead back to where everybody else was gathered to find my friend Emely so we can get the hell out of here.

an - mikey barone is hot😅.

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