
197 2 0

camila garcia

I huff as I lay back into my bed with my phone between my shoulder and ear. I fiddle with the strings to sweatpants while Emely attempts to be truthful on the other line.

"But I still feel like such a dumbass" I pout.

"Then just fuck him already." I can practically hear her smirk through the phone.

"Whatever Emely, thanks for the help." I spit sarcastically before hearing her laughter bellow through the speaker and I hang up.


I throw on my sneakers and grab my phone before jogging down the stairs. My hair being a wet mess behind my back. I run my fingers through my fresh showered hair as I reach the last step of the staircase.

I halt and clutch my phone in my hand as the same blonde haired boy from the party when Emely got into that dirty brawl with that one boy stands there with his hands shoved into his sweat pockets as he gets a look around the place obviously waiting for someone. His eyes land on me and he smiles a little.

"Hi." I mumble as a huge smile is plastered across my blushing face.

"Uhm, I'm Nate." He introduces himself shyly. I reach my hand out and step closer to him.

"Camila." My cheeks begin to hurt as my smile hasn't faltered one bit and he joins his hand in mine. I retract my hand from his slowly and furrow my brows. "Who exactly are you waiting for?"

He scratches the back of his neck, "I owe Elian a favor."

I cross my arms and purse my lips to the side. "Oh."

Elian sells weed and takes all the advantages he can when my mother is gone on business. He always waves wads of cash in my face whenever I nag to him about it. I don't mind too much that he  smokes it because he can do whatever he wants but it scares me that he could get into some serious trouble for selling it.

"So I take it that you will be selling some of it at Elian's party tomorrow night." I spark conversation.

"Yeah, I was actually." He smiles removing his hand from clawing awkwardly at the back of his neck.

"Maybe I could buy a bag off of you?" I smirk innocently. There's no harm in trying to help him out of his depth with Elian. I'll probably end up flushing it down the toilet anyway (💔).

"I d-don't think Elian would like that." He frowns and begins scratching the back of his neck again. Mikey walks through the basement door and walks over to us swiftly. He shoves the duffle bag filled with marijuana into Nate's chest.

I pay no attention to him and walk over to the door stepping closely infront of Nate. I place my hand on his chest and smile, "Think about it." He nods his head slowly and I remove my hand while proceeding out the front door.


I smile to myself again as I binge on friends for the millionth time. Emely sits to my right texting Bryce about the party tomorrow. I don't bother her about it because I know how serious she is about taking chances with him.


As time passes and I finish off season three my eyes begin to grow heavy. I rub them and turn to a very anxious Emely as she stares down at her phone. I yawn and my eyes begin to water. I purse my lips to the side deciding that I'm much too tired to drive home now. The next episode begins and I stand to my feet before sliding off my jeans.

"Where do you keep your sweats again?" I call to Emely softly as I make my way to her dresser anyways.

"Bottom drawer." She mumbles before I have already found them. I grab the newest pair and slide them on with a smile. I reach for a tank top and strip from my original crop top. I fold my clothes neatly and place them on top of her dresser.

I turn around and Emely smirks at me. "Feeling at home?"

I snicker and roll my eyes as I walk back to her bed and crawl under the covers. Her and Madison always make fun of me for simply being polite and asking before I grab something versus just taking it.

I ignore her and plop my phone onto the charger and close my eyes.

an - I don't know much about selling weed, I just buy it 🤭.

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