
234 4 0

camila garcia

Mikey shakes his head as I make eye contact with him from across the room as he approaches me. He holds two drinks of vodka in his hand that he snagged from the kitchen counter. A small fragile girl bumps into him as she dances with her friends on the living room floor and some of the vodka manages to spill on the carpet of the room. He stops in his tracks for a short moment and looks down at the stain with a frown. He then looks up at the girl and scowls as she touches his arm apologizing while giggling aimlessly.

He continues his stride towards me and I laugh lightly as that same frown is deeply planted on his busted lips. He takes a big gulp of his drink and leans in to tell me something. "Why are you always at these damn parties?" He shouts slightly in my ear trying to yell over the loud music.

I smile at him as he pulls away and stares waiting for an answer, "What else am I supposed to do, it's summer." I shrug with small smile as I place the cup of cherry vodka to my lips.


I giggle as Emely, Madison and I sneak out the back door of the random hosts house and into the backyard for some fresh air. I huff as I cross my legs while sitting along the poolside dragging a somewhat tipsy Madison to do the same as me. My jeans have become a bother and I no longer want them on my overheated body. I turn to a sober Emely as she plucks grass strands into the air.

"Let's dip our feet in." I smile while making sure to have a firm grasp on Madison's hand preventing her from running away or worse falling into the pool.

She smirks and stands to her feet without questioning. She immediately begins unbuckling her jeans and sliding them down her legs. Madison laughs loudly beside me and I pull her to her feet. I sit her on a lawn chair and begin to unbuckle my jeans as well. I double check that there are no creeps hanging around in the yard then proceed to slide off my jeans. We throw them at Madison and sit side by side by the pool side.

We smile at each other before dipping our legs in. She hisses and curses at the cold water temperature but shuts up after a while.

There we sit by the poolside in our underwear and shirts on. "I think that I might like Bryce." Emely mumbles beside me. I sharply turn my head towards her with my mouth open slightly. She laughs and gently pushes my face away from her as I gawk with a smirk.

"Shut up, this is why I didn't want to tell you." She chuckles kicking her feet underwater.

"I won't say anything," I shake my head with a smile, "go ahead."

"I don't know it's just like everything he does, it just seems to make him fucking sexier." She shrugs her shoulders and I laugh loudly.

"I've been telling you-"

"Garcia, your brother wants you."

I whip my head around to see Mikey walking towards us with his hands in his pockets. The door is slammed shut by some drunken teenagers inside and he proceeds to walk over to where we are. My heart drops as his eyes glance at our jeans next to a passed out Madison then to me curiously.

He clears his throat and turns around in his spot. Emely laughs loudly because frankly she doesn't care if Mikey or any boy sees her in her underwear, except for Bryce. "You do have underwear on right?" He calls while I stand to my feet and stalk towards our jeans. "Of course." I scoff while I toss Emely hers and I slip mines on cursing that my legs are still dripping wet. I look down to confirm the small wet spots on my jeans. I buckle my jeans quickly and slip on my shoes.

"Ok, you can turn around now." I sigh and look down at my weird wet spot looking jeans.

"Elian wanted me to get Madison for him." He licks his lips and scratches the back of his neck as he looks down to a passed out Madi.

"Why? Is he outside?" I cross my arms over my chest.

"Yeah, and he wants me to hurry."

"I don't suppose he suggested anything about giving me and Emely a ride?" I look back at Emely who sits on the lawn chair staring at Mikey.

"No." he strains as he gathers Madison into his arms, "But I can walk you guys home." He remains balanced and looks to me for an answer as he adjusts Madison in his arms.

I nod reluctantly and tuck a strand of hair behind my ear. He gets his answer and walks into the raving house and returns after a couple of minutes. I walk silently down the block to Emely's house. I linger behind as they walk ahead comparing injuries from these past weeks. I roll my eyes as Emely speaks of the night that she got her ass kicked by that boy. She brags about it and everyone gives her a round of applause because she at least had the balls to stand up to him. Mikey's injuries were fresh from a couple of nights ago.


I walk silently with Mikey as we approach my house. I walk ahead of him with my arms crossed. I stomp up the porch steps and hear his footsteps close behind me.

I turn around leaning myself against the front door. He comes to a halt in front of me and furrows his brows down at me.

"What do you want Mikey?" I cross my arms and question his following me inside. He chuckles and puts his arms on either side of my head leaning in. My heart begins to race for the second time tonight. When he smirks and leans in closer to my lips I turn my head.

He doesn't have a problem with my position under him and instead whispers into my ear, "I was already staying the night, don't flatter yourself Garcia."

an - mikey is sooo hott.

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