The baby (bump) blues (Part 7)

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And another week-

Mr. Patel had convinced me to talk to Mrs. Field's, our school councilor. So now I'm sitting outside her office, waiting for her to come out and call me in. The door opened and Libby, the candy striper from the hospital, walked out. "Hey, you don't look like a candy cane today." I joked, Libby rolled her eyes. She was wearing boots, her dark blue jeans went over the top of them, and a brown belt with one of those big buckles on them, this one was of a rebel fitting? She had a black t-shirt on that clung to all of her curves perfectly, and her cleavage was exposed, showing off a tattoo over her right boob that I couldn't really make out. Her hair was down today, it was black and wavy and all over her shoulders and her honey-brown eyes were outlined in dark liner. "What are you here for?" I asked. She smiled wickedly. "Food fight, they so started it though." I smiled back, "What a waste of food." Libby laughed and sat down next to me. "Why are you here?" I pointed to my belly and then rubbed it, "My situation." She nodded and leaned back in the chair. "Does your family know?" I thought of my mom and shook my head; Libby watched me for a minute. "Ms. Roster, where should you be?" asked Mrs. Field's from her doorway. Libby stood up, "Culinary Class." She said, grabbing her bag off the floor. "Oh man, I would kill for a frozen yogurt shake." I groaned. Libby smiled again and headed out the door. "Ms. Deary, come on in." The school guidance counselor was a very pretty, middle-aged woman. She had dark blond hair and gentle eyes. I sat down in the comfy chair across from her desk. "Crackers?" She asked, I nodded and tore into the peanut butter crackers.

"So, where do you want to start?" She asked, I chewed a cracker aimlessly. "Don't you tell me that?" She smiled and nodded, "I can. Do you wan to tell me about your condition?" "Did Mr. Patel tell you?" I asked, hugging my arms around my torso. Mrs. Field's shook her head, "When students in High School get pregnant, their medical records get sent here. It's for health insurance issues, safety, and yada-yada. I nodded. "well I'm a little over four months along, oh, and it's a girl. The doctor says she's good." Mrs. Field's smiled and leaned back, "Continue?" Well," I sighed. "My best friend, Jamie, he's been helping me, and Mr. Patel knows..." "Is the father your best friend?" I laughed, "Oh god no, he's gay." Mrs. Field's laughed too. "then the father doesn't know?" I shook my head. "Why not?" "I'm afraid he'll...I don't even know. I've heard stuff, about him, and I'm just scared." "That's understandable, what about your guardian?" I looked at my hands, my nail polish was all chipped and ugly. "She doesn't know either." "Why not?" Mrs. Field's asked. "I don't know, I guess I feel like if I admit it, it'll be more real, too real. I'm not sure if I can handle that yet." She nodded and folded her hands, "Well you can talk to me, I believe this whole thing would be easier on you if you told your loved ones." I shrugged. "About the father...I could talk to him if you want. Not tell him, but talk to him, see if it's true, the rumors I mean." I smiled, "Okay." "get back to class now, you shouldn't miss any more than you need to." I rolled my eyes, wrote his name down, and stood up, "Thank-you." "Come back any time, I'd love to meet your daughter...when she's born." Mrs. Field's followed me out and put my folder on the reception desk. "Hope to see you soon." She said. I grabbed my bag and smiled to her, I didn't notice Rhea behind the desk...

American Government is so boring, no matter how you look at it, it's always boring. Especially since it's my last class of the day and I'm usually restless, stupid government. When the bell finally rang, I headed to my locker to put my stuff away. When I closed the door, Libby was there. "Hi," I said, a little startled. "Hey." She handed me a large cup that a slurpee would come in. "What is this?" I asked. "Frozen yogurt shake, it had milk and chocolate banana swirl...yogurt." I smiled and took a long pull from it. "Wow, this is, amazing." Libby smiled then shrugged. "No biggie." She was about to say something else when Tara's voice rang out. "You little whore." she yelled, I knew she was talking to me. I turned around, "Excuse me?" "You're a little whore, how long did you think it would take for everyone to find out?" Instantly I touched my stomach, "Last week, when I asked you for a tampon, you said you were out, which was weird because we're always on the same cycle. But this, now I know." "Okay, I'll bite Tara, know what?" She smiled and took a step back, "That you're pregnant." She shrilled, louder than needed. Some people stopped and turned to watch. "Tara stop." I pleaded. "Stop? You go and get knocked up and you want me to stop? The only question is, who's the father? That hottie blond guy, or David...?" Will came up behind her and put his hand on her shoulder. "David got called out of class earlier. Cheyenne, is he the father?" "How did you guys find out?" I asked. Tara laughed, "I have my sources. Don't think I haven't noticed your weight gain and sudden interest in food-food-food. You're a fucking pregnant whore." "That's enough." I heard Libby say. "You fuck with her because you know she wont hit you, but me, I will." She stepped in front of me, staring down Tara. "Recruiting other people for your battles?" Tara asked. She turned to walk away, "Ugly bitch." She murmured. Libby reached out and grabbed Tara's shoulder. "Excuse me, do you wanna say that to my face?" Tara leaned in closer, right up in Libby's face and spit out, "U-G-L-Y bitch!" Libby smiled then, letting Tara go, she flat out punched her. I gasped, stepping back, as Tara recovered and smacked Libby across the face. Libby grabbed Tara and threw her into the lockers; people swarmed around. Will came up behind Libby, trying to grab her, "Get off her you fucking freak." He yelled. Libby turned around and elbowed him in the face, he backed off, holding his eye. Tara jumped up, latching onto Libby's hair, scratching at her face. Libby got thrown off balance and both her and Tara fell to the ground. I watched Tara kicking and scratching and Libby punching and grunting; and that's when the baby decided she wanted to kick. "Oh," I said. When I had gone to the doctor two weeks before, she had told me I would be experiencing this soon; I just hadn't expected it. I leaned against the locked and smiled. Tara and Libby continued rolling around on the floor, I heard the sound of fabric ripping and then the administrators came. One grabbed Libby, whose hair was now one big ball of fluff, and the other grabbed Tara, who had a bloody nose and the forming of a black eye. Libby turned to face me and smiled, she had scratch marks on her left cheek and her pretty black t-shirt was ripped open, leaving her plaid, push-up bra totally exposed along with the rebel flag kiss tattoo over her boob. Wow, I thought. That's unique. The boys wolf-called when she passed; she flicked them off and the administrator who was pushing her forward grabbed her hand. I slammed my locker shut and hurried after them. The school's sheriff stood in the middle of the office, Libby sat on one side and Tara on the other. Libby saw me and gave me that WTF? Look. I smiled and ran to the principal's private office. He was in there with Will, who also looked like he was going to have a black eye. "Ms. Deary?" Principal LaRoche asked. "what are you doing here?" "Witness." I said, holding up the hand that still clutched the frozen yogurt smoothie Libby game me.

"Sit down," He instructed. I sat down next to Will. "Now I know you kids these days don't like to "tell" on your friends, but this will be completely confidential..." "Tara started it." I lied. "She threw the first punch." The rules at our school were, if you threw the first punch, that made you the instigator-starter of an unnecessary brawl, as Mr. LaRoche would say- and only the starter got suspended. I knew Libby had started the fight, but I had it in good with the principal, he had taught my mother, so he usually believed anything I said. "What!" Will yelled, "That's a lie." "Ms. Deary?" He asked. "How did Will get punched?" "An accident," I lied again. "He caught an elbow in the eye trying to stop the fight, and you always say 'Don't interfere.'" I quoted. Mr. LaRoche smiled and I knew I had him wrapped around my finger. "That is a lie, Mr. LaRoche I was there." Will whined. I stood up, "You're just lying for Tara so you can 'get some' tonight. We all know that." And with that, I left the office. Mr. LaRoche followed me out, "Elizabeth Roster, you're free to go. I'd like to see less of you here though, deal?" "Only if you start calling me Libby." She said, smiling innocently. Mr. LaRoche winked at her, "Never." He teased. "Then I'll see you tomorrow." Libby promised and followed me into the hall. "Do you want a ride?" she asked me, rubbing her cheek. I texted Jamie: Don't pick me up, I've got a ride J. And to Libby, "I'd love a ride." I followed her out to the parking lot and to that cool little 69' Ranchero Tara and I had parked next to at the homecoming party. So much for the dance, I thought, and climbed into the passengers seat. Taylor Swift blasted from the speakers as we pulled away.

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