The Baby Blues (Part 4)

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Here's a short chapter that you Jamie lovers will like :]

Five years ago-

"Cheyenne honey, Jamie's here." I hear my mom call from downstairs. I look quickly in the mirror, one last time, and then race down the stairs as fast as I can without falling. I see him when I get in the hall, leaning against the wall. He looks over at me and smiles and my heart starts accelerating.

Stop it, I tell myself. You know he's gay. But the back of my mind says, if I know this than why do I feel this way?

Jamie walks over and hugs me. I breath him in and sigh, "Wanna go to my room?" I ask, excited. Jamie and I haven't hung out at my house yet and I was really anxious for him to see it. He smiles and nods so I grab his hand and lead him up the velvet stairs to my room. "Your house is really beautiful." He comments, looking over the side of the banister before we reached the top of the staircase. "Like you." He adds and I blush a hundred shades of red.

See, I thought. If he was gay then why would he flirt with me like that? Maybe he flirts with everyone like that, maybe to him its not flirting, its being friendly. "Well this is my room." I say, opening my door and pulling him in. I close it behind me and let him look around. He smiles as he takes everything in and pauses at one of my newer items, it's a photo of him and me at the beach, our arms around each other, smiling.

He didn't say anything, instead, he jumped onto my bed and patted the spot next to him.

"So are we going to watch some movies or not?" He asked, pointing to my TV hanging across from the bed on the wall. I ran and jumped on my bed with him, ignoring the way my stomach knotted being that close to him, grabbed the remote, and pressed play on the DVD player.

We hung out for several hours that day and then his mom called. "She wants me to come home." He said sheepishly. "My sister is having a soccer tournament and wants me to come." He leaned over and hugged me tightly. "I'll see you at school on Monday." He promised. I hugged him back with equal force, and then he started to pull back.

I don't know what overcame me, I mean, I'd never kissed a boy before, but I grabbed the back of his head with my hand and pulled his lips into mine. He froze, at first, unsure of what I was doing, but I felt him start returning the kiss. It wasn't some sloppy make-out session or erotic feel-me-up, it was just a sweet, five second kiss. It maybe would have become more but he pulled away and jumped off my bed, "I'm sorry." he said, holding his hand over his mouth. "I can't do this." And with that he ran from my room, and I thought, out of my life, forever.

I cried all that night in my bed and wouldn't come downstairs for dinner. I dreaded going back to school that following Monday as well, but when I saw him, our eyes locked and he smiled. We never mentioned it again.

Present day-

"Cheyenne, hello?" Jamie said, waving his hand in front of my face. I snapped out of the memory and looked at him. I carefully studied all of his features, his bright green eyes, his yellow/blond hair, his perfectly tanned skin, and sculpted lips that were a light shade of light pink.

"Earth to Cheyenne, are you there?" I looked up, into his eyes. "Yea, sorry. I was just...thinking about something." I was thinking about what David had said to me before I left the mall earlier. "We're both in love with you." That one sentence rang through my ears still. "Jamie, can I ask you a question?" I asked, cuddling my pillow in my lap.

"Uh-oh," He said. "This is serious, you're hugging your pillow. You only hug your pillow when your nervous about something." I ran my hair through my bangs and sighed, "Do you love me?" I let them fall into my face again to hide the blush that was beginning to form once the words left my mouth.

Jamie's eyes widened and then he smiled, showing off his perfectly white teeth. "Of course I love you, you know that." I stared at my toes, my face growing redder every minute. Come on Cheyenne, I said to myself. You can give birth to a baby with some strangers in between your legs but you cant ask your best friend if he's in love with you.

"No uh- what I meant was...well what I was trying to say was..." Jamie chuckled next to me and said, "Just spit it out already." "I mean, are you in love with me? David mentioned it today at the mall, he said that Libby told him and that you told her..." I trailed off because I had looked up and caught the startled look on his face. Oh man, I had been wrong. Jamie hadn't told Libby he was in love with me, I mean, maybe he did but they had been drunk. Libby took it out of context.

I started to mentally slap myself for asking. Now it was going to be so awkward because I had just accused my best friend of being in love with me. "Forget it." I rushed. "Libby was wrong, I knew she was, I was just hope- no I mean, just they were so sure...well-" Jamie reached up and touched my burning cheek with his hand. "Stop rambling." He laughed and then leaned over to kiss my cheek.

I felt his lips brush over my skin and my breath caught; where his lips touched, fiery tingles shot through my skin. How many times had Jamie kissed my cheek before without it feeling like that? Jamie paused, after my breath caught, his lips lingering inches from my cheek, and then I turned.

Our lips brushed against each other softly, not really touching, but that was enough. His hand moved from my cheek to my hair and he pulled my face against his. I hesitated for a fraction of a second and then both of my hands tangled into his thick, soft blond hair. His breath hitched for a moment, but he didn't break the kiss. I moved from my sitting position onto my knees, to mirror him, and his other hand moved to my bare hip.

Pure electricity.

Our tongues tangled together, gentle yet fierce...and then the baby woke up. I pulled back and bit my lip, both of us were trying to catch our breath. Nobody moved, Hayden began whining. "I'm going to- uh, Libby's, to pick her up." Jamie rushed and then jumped off my bed and headed towards my door, "Jamie wait." I called, he paused and looked back at me, his face worried and something else I couldn't decipher. "You have to bring Hayden."

He smiled and then shook his head. "Right, duh. How could I forget that." He walked back over to me and reached for the baby I was now holding. Our fingers brushed and I got another shot of electricity. If Jamie did, he didn't show a sign, although he was biting his bottom lip. He gently cradled Hayden in his arms and lifted up her diaper bag from beside her bassinet. "I'll be back soon, so get ready." I nodded at him and notice that he didn't meet my eyes before he left.

Vote/Comment and tell me what you think. Also, I'm still awaiting those picture suggestions for David & feedback on what you think of my Jamie(although I would take suggestions on that too), Cheyenne, and Libby characters :]

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