The baby (bump) blues (Part 8)

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Driving Home-

"Are you done with that smoothie yet?" Libby teased, burning out around my street corner. "Almost, but keep driving like this and I'll have a full cup again." Libby made a face. "So-uh. Why did you fight Tara?" Libby laughed and tugged at the ugly shirt they had made her put on while I talked to the principal. "She had it coming." "No really?" I asked, watching her. "Okay, so I might have been playing naive." She said, eyeballing my mansion-like house. "How so?" I asked. "David Russo, your 'baby daddy', he's uh-my half brother." My jaw dropped. "He told me about you the day after it happened, and then, when I found out you were Prego, I put two and two together. I don't think he knows though." She added. As her car parked, Sweet-Pea, the white, fluffy pony, and Star, the black with a white spotted butt pony- also her daughter- ran up to the car. Libby smiled and then looked at me. "So that's my niece in there. I'm gonna look out for her, and you." I smiled fondly at Libby and reached into my pocket, handing her the ultrasound picture. "That, is your niece. And uh-I think David probably knows by now." Libby ignored me and just looked at the picture, "Oh my god! She looks like an alien." I punched her on the arm. "That is so mean." Libby rubbed her arm and smiled again. "Just kidding." My little 'alien' kicked my stomach again. "Oh," I gasped, grabbing the spot she'd kicked. "What?" Libby asked. "The baby, she started kicking today. I think your fight started it, or the smoother, not sure..." I trailed off. "Oh yea, the little alien is going to follow my footsteps." Libby joked, "Is she still kicking." I shook my head, "No, it was only once. I'll tell you next time it happens." Libby nodded. "Well, I have to go inside." As I said that, Kelsie, our nurse, pulled into the driveway. "Okay, I'll see you tomorrow." Libby called, as I ran into my house. The jostling movement upset my stomach and I upchucked my smoothie all over the marble floor. Delia ran out to see what happened. "Oh sweetie, are you okay?" I didn't dare smile or talk, instead I nodded. "I'll clean this up, go to your bed." I swallowed quickly and hurried up to my room. I'd been hoping to avoid her, but Kelsie made her way to my room. "Cheyenne, can we talk?" I cuddled into my bed. "Okay." Kelsie closed my door and clutched a folder tightly in one hand. She looked at me for a moment and then said, "Are you pregnant?" I felt more acid rising from my stomach. "I-uh, I..." "I have the charges from your account, when were you planning on letting me know?" "Why?" I asked, and then more boldly, "Why would I tell you/" Kelsie sighed and looked at me. "You know how much I care about you and your mother. I just want to help you." I ground my teeth together and then gave her my ultrasound too. "Aw, my god. How beautiful." Her eyes teared up, "Have you told your mom?" I shook my head and frowned. "She would love to know, hey, it might even help her." Now my eyes teared up and I wiped away the dampness. "You should do it now. I'm done in there." I stood up and grabbed the ultrasound from her. "Thanks." I whispered and hurried down the hall. My mom's door was open so I stepped in, sucking in a deep breath. "Hi mom." I sobbed, "I have something to tell you." The monitor next to her bed beeped steadily as my mom's chest rose and fell. I stared at her still form and fresh tears fell from my eyes.

2 ½ years ago-

"Your mom is going to be fine sweet-heart." Daddy told me. I cuddled closer to him as we waited for mom to come out of surgery. A couple months before she had been diagnosed with a brain tumor and today had been the day of her surgery. It had been two hours now, I was worried. Nick texted me every few minutes for an update; I turned my phone off. Twenty minutes later the doctor came out, looking disgruntled. My dad stood up. "Mr. Deary, your wife's surgery was completed successfully. We got the whole tumor out with no problems." My dad eyed the doctor, "Then why do you look so down, what aren't you tell me?" "I'm sure it's nothing, your wife's brain waves are normal and working the way they should, but she hasn't woken up yet, I'm sure it's nothing..." "I want to see her." "Yes sir, follow me." "Come on Cheyenne," My dad yelled. "Keep up."

Two weeks later-

"I just don't understand." My dad sobbed, taking another swig of liquor. I didn't know what to say to him, ever since mom had fallen into a coma, dad hadn't gone to work or eaten anything, instead, he'd sat on the couch and drank until he passed out, tonight, he was overly emotional. "Doesn't she love me? Why would she leave if she loved me?" "Daddy-" I began, and then the phone rang. "Are you sure?" He slurred after a few seconds. "I'll be right there." My dad ran past me and to the front hall. "Delia! Watch Cheyenne, I'll be back!" I jumped up. "What is it daddy?" "The doctor says your mom is waking up. I have to go." I meant to stop him, I meant to hold him back, but he was gone...forever, and when the doctor had to tell mom her husband was dead, she slipped back into a coma...

Like it? Hate it? Vote/comment and tell me what you think. Got this one and ch.7 up on the same day because I made you guys wait for so long. Yay! Anyways, now you know what happened to Cheyenne's mom and why she hasn't been around.

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