The Baby Blues (Part 9)

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And another week- (note to readers: Hayden is one month one week)

The week went by in a hectic spin.

I spent my mornings with Hayden, the puppy, kitten, and the horses, outside, enjoying the good weather while it was bearable. I spent my afternoons doing homework that the school sent me so I wouldn't fall behind. I spent evenings with Jamie, my mom and Hayden, though my mom didn't contribute much, unless of course Mr. Patel was over, because then she was a chatter box (and I had noticed him coming over a bit more often than he used to and his excuses were becoming more and more unrealistic). And then I spent my nights exhausted and sleepy.

Jamie and I hadn't gotten our date yet and I was starting to think we never would, that was until Libby intervened, though. "What do you mean he asked you out?" She screeched into the phone while I pretended to be in the shower. "I mean, last week Jamie asked me to go out on a date with him, but everything has been so busy and draining that we never had the chance to go, and now I don't know if he thinks I'm blowing him off, or maybe if he's glad because he doesn't have to go through with it because he realized he doesn't actually have any feelings for me like he thought he did because I'm a horrible kisser and I have a baby and..." Libby cut me off. "You're doing that thing again, where you ramble." I took a deep breath. "I'm sorry." Libby laughed, "Yea, it's a real unattractive quality. But anyways, if you really want to go on this date than who am I to hold you back. You need to get your date on Cheyenne, bring Hayden over here, I'll watch her."

I smiled to the phone and leaned against the wall. "Are you sure? Is David there?" "Yes and no." She said, "Yes I'm sure and no David's not here. Him and mom went on this little trip together to visit an Aunt or something. I don't know. But the point is, he's not here, I am, and I want to chill with my beautiful niece." I smiled and then chuckled. "Thank-you Libby, I owe you big time."

I spent the next hour showering, blow drying my hair, getting dressed, curling my hair, and putting on my make-up. I was pulling on one of my flats when the doorbell rang. Adrian jumped up from his pillow, overturning Dora, who had been laying with him, and he ran to the front door.

I hurried over to the bassinet, scooped up Hayden, and then followed after Adrian. He was in a hunting position when I got there, tail erect, legs stiff, foot pointing at the door. I laughed and pushed past him, opening the door to reveal Libby. "My god, could you be any later. Jamie is going to be here any minute and I want you long gone before then." Libby rolled her eyes and reached for Hayden. "Do you need a diaper bag?" I asked. Libby shook her head, "Nope, Crystal went crazy shopping last week, again." "Oh," I remembered, rushing to the kitchen. I grabbed the milk I had pumped earlier. "Almost forgot." I handed the bag to Libby. She made a face and then looked at me. "If I didn't love you so much this would be unacceptable."

I rolled my eyes. "Get out of here. This is a surprise." I said, moving my hands over the length of my body. Libby whistled at me, "Oh he'll defiantly be surprised."

After rushing her out of the house I ran back up to my room to see my phone blinking with a text: right around the corner-see you soon. I smiled and texted back: in my room, just come on in. I stroked Adrian's head until I heard the front door open. Adrian growled and ran downstairs to investigate so I took that time to smooth out my white cocktail dress and adjust my boobs (who invented strapless dresses anyways?). I heard the footsteps coming down the hall, and then my bedroom door was pushed open.

Jamie stepped in wearing a light blue button up shirt, with the sleeves folded to his elbows, and a pair of dark blue jeans. I smiled at him and arched an eyebrow. He literally froze in place, taking me in. "Why so dressed up?" I crossed my legs and ran my hand up my knee. "Well see, I find myself in this predicament where I have no baby in the house and I'm wearing this amazing dress." I stood up and did a twirl to show off the dress I was wearing. "Now what do you say we do about that?" Jamie smiled and took a step towards me, "I say we get out of here." He held his hand out for me. I grabbed my handbag off my bed and reached for his hand. "I agree."

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