The Baby Blues (Part 12)

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The following day-

I woke up with a smile on my face, recalling the events of the night before. I was cuddled under my blankets, naked, and Jamie's arms were around me. I turned around to face him, looking over his peaceful features as he slept.

I cuddled myself closer to him, kissing his lips softly so I wouldn't wake him. I trailed my hands up and down him back and then around to his stomach. A wicked smile spread across my face as my hand went from his stomach and down, down, down...

Jamie stirred and then opened his eyes. He smiled and bit his lip. "That's not fair." He said. I gave him a squeeze. "I think it's very fair." He moved so he was on top of me and deepened our kiss. We didn't leave bed for another two hours. One shower-together to conserve water- a bowl of cereal, and a change of clothes later and Jamie and I were on our way to Libby's house. I let Jamie drive my car because I was feeling a bit...uncomfortable.

"What's wrong?" Jamie asked, watching me adjust my boobs a hundred times. "I'm feeling a bit, full." I said, deciding that was the fitting word. He nodded and smiled to himself. "Is that funny?" I asked, smacking his arm. "Nope, not at all." He said, a satisfied smirk on his face. I felt my face flush so I turned my head out the window. Jamie reached over and grabbed my hand. I laced my fingers into his and we stayed like that the rest of the way to Libby's.

I ran inside, Jamie not far behind me, and saw Joseph sitting alone on the couch. He looked up and waved at me, "Morning." He said. "Morning." I said back, smiling. I heard Hayden start crying in David's room. "I'll be right back." I said, running off to retrieve my hungry baby. David was just sitting up, rubbing his eyes sleepily. "Oh no daddy, go back to bed. I heard you had a hawt date last night." I jumped on his bed next to him and leaned over the bassinet. David laid back down but didn't go back to sleep.

"I wouldn't say 'hawt'." He said, mimicking me. "I heard you had a date yourself." He said, changing the subject. I scooped up Hayden and grabbed her binki. I draped it over me and pulled my shirt down, giving Hayden my boob. "I did have a date." I said, getting comfortable. "And you have school, finals and such, get to it." David watched me for a minute and then slouched out of bed. I relieved both of my boobs and then got Hayden changed and dressed for the day before David came back in his room. He was pulling a shirt on over his head and I couldn't help notice that he had been working out.

"So- uh, I'll see you at school, I have some finals I have to take too." David nodded and ruffled his hair with his hands instead of brushing it. "Oh, what are you going to do with Hayden? She can stay here with my mom and dad..." I shook my head. "Jamie's going to keep her with him today at school. He took his finals like a week ago." David sighed and grabbed his school bag. "Okay, well I'll see you both at school then." He leaned over and kissed Hayden on the head. "Love you, gumdrop." I smiled and watched him leave the room before following him. Jamie and Joseph were sitting on the couch, watching TV together. Libby came out of her room like a bear woken up from hibernating. "Chop, chop Libby or you'll be late for exams." I hip bumped her and she knocked into the wall. "Damn you morning people." She grumbled, and then disappeared into the bathroom.

I balanced Hayden on one hip and grabbed her diaper bags with the other. "Okay sweetie, school time." Jamie smiled and wrapped his arm around us. We drove to school singing along to 'I kissed a girl.'

Final exams and some friendly drama-

Jamie and I walked into school hand and hand, I had Hayden on my hip. People turned and stared, nobody had seen me since I had left school earlier in the year. "Where do you want me to bring her?" He asked me as I led him through the crowd of people. "The media I guess, if she gives you trouble just put her in her stroller and walk her around." He nodded and opened the door to Mr. Patel's room. He was sitting at his piano, practicing something I didn't recognize. When he saw us watching him his face got darker, was he blushing?

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