Anakin and I walked through the street market. I was hoping to find the four mystery travelers. Pretty sure Anakin was doing the same, but for different reasons. The sound of a panicked creature drew our attention. We approached the sound only to see the floppy eared creature being choked by none other than Sebulba, a hunched over tan creature with four feet but only leaned back on two of them. We walked over towards the scum pilot to help the poor foreigner. Sebulba was a vicious Dug who constantly wore goggles as if he were in a race.
"Careful Sebulba, wouldn't wanna do something that would get you in trouble before the race." I Taunted crossing my arms.
"Watch yourself Skywalker. I will crush your brother in that race, watch yourself." He threatened and walked away. I laughed as he returned to his former spot. The strange man from before walked towards us.
"Hi." Anakin greeted with a friendly smile.
"Hi there." The man greeted with a smile that didn't quite reach his eyes.
"Your buddy here picked a fight with a dug, a very dangerous Dug named Sebulba." Anakin explained.
"The boy is right, you're heading into trouble." The man warned the creature. He thanked us and we all began walking away together. We took them to our favorite stand near our home. Anakin thought it would be nice to buy them some food, even though we could barely afford food for ourselves. He handed them the food, and the man thanked him. The man pulled on his cloak to reveal a lightsaber hidden in his belt. So he really was a Jedi. I didn't think I could stand being a slave any longer. Maybe they were here to free us? I thought to myself.
"A storms coming you two, you better get home quick." The vender warned. I turned towards the strangers and asked:
"Do you have shelter?"
"We'll head back to our ship." The man shrugged uninterested.
"Is it far?" Anakin asked. I looked into his eyes and, could tell he didn't want them to leave.
"It's on the outskirts." The girl, Padmè answered. I had learned her name when me and Anakin were walking by ourselves. He would not stop talking about her.
"You'll never reach the outskirts in time. And sand storms are very very dangerous. Come on We'll take you to our place." Anakin offered with seriousness. The sand had begun to fly around us getting in everyone's eyes. Luckily we made it to our home in less than five minutes.
"Mom, were home." Anakin announced. Our mother walked into the room, surprised that we had brought company into the small hut.
"These are our friends, mom." I stated gesturing to the four stranger we had just brought into our house. And knowing one had a dangerous weapon. The man stated his name, which I had now just learned was Qui-Gon Jinn.
"We're building a droid would you like to see it?" Anakin asked referring to our project C3P0. We pulled the rest of the guest walked away into the back room. Anakin pulled off the thin dirty cloth we had placed over the droid we had built. Anakin did most of the work, but my name was still credited.
"Isn't he great!" Anakin smiled proudly at our work.
"He's not finished yet." I stated standing behind them next to the small droid named R2D2.

The Skywalker Twins
FanfictionBOOK ONE IN THE SKYWALKER TWIN SERIES I WROTE THIS WHEN I WAS 12 SORRY FOR ALL THE ERRORS! THE SEQUEL IS BETTER ABOUT THAT STUFF Bout to go under MAJOR editing. The sequel is called The Other Skywalker you can find it on my account. What if when Q...