10 Years Later
"Why do you always have to do something stupid and reckless?"
"Because its in my nature." I shouted back over the chaos while sitting on the shoulders of a silver super battle droid. With my lightsaber in the droids hand. While the other droids attempt to shoot at me. The droid swung around trying to hit me with my own weapon.
I grabbed the droids hand and plunge the lightsaber into the center of the droid as it began to fall. Right before it hit the ground I did a front flip, slicing another droid in half before I landed on my feet. I walked backwards deflecting blast with my lightsaber until I stood next to my master. We continued to walk backwards deflecting as many blast as we could. When I felt a hard wall behind me the droids stop shooting. I hit the button on the side of my lightsaber that caused it to shut off. My master did the same.
"Anymore brilliant ideas?" Aayla asked with sarcasm etched in her voice, with an underlying tone of humor.
"I would be able to think of one a lot easier without the sass." I mocked rolling my eyes.
"You're under arrest Jedi scum." The battle droids stated still pointing their weapons at us. I looked around us, trying to find a way of escape. I noticed a giant crate big enough to crush the droids.
"Bingo." I announced with a entertaining smile Suddenly the crate quickly slammed the droids into a wall on the other side of the room. Only a few were left.
"Oh no." One of droids cried out. I turned on my lightsaber to see the purple light of it glowing before me. Aayla did the same with her blue one. We destroyed the few droids left and ran out of the room.
"Where do we go now? The ship is crawling with battle droids." I questioned as we stood in a hall thats led to who knows where.
"This way." The blue Twi'lek ordered pointing to the south wing. We ran until we were met with three destroyer droids.
"Okay maybe this wasn't the best way to go." Aayla corrected as she clicked her lightsaber off with me doing the same.
"You think?" I asked with an eye roll. More droids arrive and dragged us into a cell. They took away our light sabers and locked them up on the other side of the room. They locked us a cell across from the weapons in the brig.
"You will remain here until Count Dooku is ready for you." The super battle droid announced before marching away.
The droids left us alone in a cold cell. My master slowly sat down and began mediating. She crossed her legs and placed her hands in her lap, as well as closed her eyes.
"I don't think right now is a good time to meditate master." I recommended gripping the bars of the cell.
"If only there was a way to get to our lightsabers." I mumble deep in thought on how we get them.
"Calm down, my young Padawan, the answer will soon arrive." Aayla wisely replied with ease and no level of stress in her voice.
"Calm down! Dooku is most likely on his way down here to kill us, and you want me to calm down?!" I yelled growing more frustrated by the second. Aayla rolled her eyes and looked up to the ceiling. She slowly stood up from the ground, and grabbed my arm. She pulled me to the spot where she had just been siting. I look up too see a vent. I turned back at her to see she was smirking at me.
"Told you the answer would arrive." She smirked as I focused on the vent and it suddenly flew down from the ceiling, almost hitting Aayla in the process. She glared at me.
"Sorry." I apologized jumping into the vent. I began crawling towards the direction of our lightsabers. When I heard a thud behind me I knew Aayla had finally jumped up and began crawling as well. When I made it to the next vent I looked down to check if any droids were around. I ripped the vent off and jumped down landing on the floor. I did a quick scan around to make sure we were alone. I moved over to make room for Aayla. When she jumped down we began creeping towards the door.
I quietly opened the door and checked my surroundings. No droids insight, weird. We quickly ran back into the room we were captured to retrieve our lightsabers. They were sealed inside a glass container. I walked to the back of the room were I saw a giant piece of metal laying on the floor. Aayla stood in front of the case thinking.
"How do you suppose we get them out?" She asked out loud still looking at the case. I grabbed the piece of metal and walked towards the glass. I banged the metal on the case shattering it into a million pieces.
"That works." Aayla shrugged as I handed her her lightsaber. We both ran out of the cells heading down the east hall.
"Where do you think the escape pods are?" I asked turning in circles looking at all the different halls we could take. There were four different ways we could go.
"I don't know but we better find out soon." Aayla declared pointing towards the second hall. We could hear marching heading in our direction. Droids. We both turned around and ran straight towards the fourth hall. It had a lot of sharp turns but we eventually made it to the escape pod hanger. There were a dozen droids guarding the ships to prevent prisoners or anyone unauthorized to escape.
We both jumped out with our lightsabers ready and began chopping droids in half. After slicing the final droid we both climbed into an escape pod. Aayla sat in the passengers seat while I steered the ship. She knew I was the better pilot. I started the pod and flew out of the ginormous Separatist ship. Our mission was to find there droid factory locations. Sadly that mission didn't go according to plan. But we did find out that the Separatist were negotiating an alliance with the Geonosians.
"Three Separatist fighters tracking us." Aayla informed looking out the back window of the pod.
"I really hope this thing has some blasters on it." I prayed out loud searching for the blaster. Finally I click the small bottom on the handle I use to steer the pod. I flip the ship so we're facing them and begin firing at the oncoming Separatist fighters. I managed to destroy one, I continue flying towards the two ships. I dodged their blast, except one managed to hit one of the wings of my pod.
"We need to get out of here, fast." Aayla stated noticing that we've been hit. I flew underneath the two fighter ships and begin shooting from behind. I took down another ship, with one still remaining.
"I'm going to try to outrun this other fighter, I don't know if this thing has hyperdrive." I groaned speeding the pod up. I took sharp turns, hoping to confuse the droid. Sadly he was still behind us. I begin searching the pod for a hyperdrive button praying that I would find one. I turn to my left and see four small switches, without thinking I switch them. The whole ship jerked forwards as we were thrown into hyperspeed. The stars flashed by us in less than seconds. I turned off the hyperdrive to hoping to save on fuel, I glanced towards Aayla to see her smiling.
"Where to now?" I ask turning towards my master.
"Coruscant, there's a surprise waiting for us." She smirked knowingly.
I turned the hyperdrive back on and we blasted off towards Coruscant.

The Skywalker Twins
FanfictionBOOK ONE IN THE SKYWALKER TWIN SERIES I WROTE THIS WHEN I WAS 12 SORRY FOR ALL THE ERRORS! THE SEQUEL IS BETTER ABOUT THAT STUFF Bout to go under MAJOR editing. The sequel is called The Other Skywalker you can find it on my account. What if when Q...