Return to Tatooine Pt.1

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Anakin's POV:

Everything was going perfect, I was finally connecting with Padmè. She actually kissed me! It felt like fireworks when our lips collided. I was in my own special paradise. It was amazing till I began having nightmares. I would wake up from nightmares. Images of my mother and Aisley being tortured. But what really confused me, they weren't together. And Aisley looked slightly older. Atleast I thought she looked older. I could hear them both calling for my name, but I could do nothing to help them.

My eyes shot open as I woke from my latest nightmare. I couldn't sleep the rest of the night, I stayed still and silent the rest of the night. When I noticed the sun rising, I got out of bed and stood on the balcony closest to my room. I watched as the sun rose, and stayed in the spot for possibly hours. I only moved when I noticed the presence of her, Padmè. She saw me standing and watching the sun. She attempted to turn around and head back the way she came.

"Don't go." I weakly pleaded, I had not planed for me voice to sound so strained. But I guess staying quiet for hours will do that to you. She stopped and spun around.

"I don't want to disturb you."

"Your presence is soothing." I sighed as I breathed in a breathe of air.

"You had another nightmare last night." Padmè stated knowingly.

"Jedi don't have nightmares." I lied.

"I heard you." She explained.

"I saw my mother. She's are suffering, Padmè. I saw her as clearly as I see you now." I explained turning around and staring her in the eyes. She had many different emotions swirling in there brown depths. I sighed and spun back around to face the sun.

"She's in pain, I know I'm disobeying my mandate to protect you Senator. But I have to go. I have to help her." I cried confused on what to do.

"I'll go with you." She suggested.

"I'm sorry I don't have a choice." I apologized.

We boarded Padmè's ship as fast as possible. The two of us, along with R2. It was a very quiet ride, there was much tension in the air. Neither of us could stop thinking about the mistake we made, the kiss. We landed in the center of my home village. At a docking port. When we exited the ship crocks gathered around to admire it, most likely planning on claiming it as there own. Padmè wore a blue two piece dress, with a cloaca covering her from the son. She looked breathe taking. We hitched a ride on a trolley that would take us to Watto my former owner.

When the trolley stopped I looked around to see if we were at Watto's Supply Shop. What I saw was lonely old Toydarian working at a small booth trying to make a living. We approached Watto, he was currently yelling at a droid that attempted to grab something off his booth. After the droid ran away Watto turned to his booth to fix whatever damage the droid had caused.

"Chut Chut Watto." I spoke in his first language. Meaning 'Excuse me Watto.' I picked up a pit droid and began examining it.

"Ke Booba?" He asked meaning 'What?'

I stayed quiet for a second trying to remember the language I learned younger. I guess growing up in the Jedi order, helps you forget your past.

"Ding mi chasa hopa." I offered. Meaning 'let me help you with that.' He examined me carefully looking over my body as if he knew me from somewhere but didn't know where. I kept my eyes on the droid in my hands tinkering away with it.

"Ke booda? Yo baan pee hota. No wega mi condorta. Kin chasa du Jedi. No bata tu tu." Watto's came to realization and began panicking. What? I don't know you... What can I do for you? You look like a Jedi. Whatever it is... I didn't do it' I grabbed a tool and looked Watto in the face before speaking.

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