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Aisley's POV:

When Obi-Wan and I entered the capital of Kamino we pulled down our hoods. And were met with a tall Kaminoan alien. She was all white without any hair. Most of her torso was her neck. She wore a blue and white dress. She smiled at us.

"Master Jedi. The Prime Minister is expecting you."

"We're expected?" I asked with confusion.

"Of course he is anxious to meet you. After all these years we were beginning to think you weren't coming. Now please this way." She smiled and began walking down a long hallway. Obi-Wan and I walked slowly behind her. I turned towards him and gave him a confused look, all he did was shrug his shoulders.

We entered an all white room that held nothing in it other than a dozen bright lights and another Kaminoan. He stood up from a chair that sat in the middle of the room. Just like the female he was tall, white and had en equally long neck. We walked towards him.

"May I present Lama Su, Prime Minister of Kamino." The female Kaminoan introduced. The three of us bowed to each other out of respect.

"And this is master Jedi..." the female started and realized she hadn't learned our names.

"Obi-Wan Kenobi and young padawan Aisley Skywalker." Ben introduced.

"I trust your going to enjoy your stay. Please." He gestured to two chairs that levitated to the ground. We both sat down, as did Lama Su.

"And now to business. You will be delighted to hear that we are on schedule. Two thousand units are ready, with a million more on its way." The Prime Minister stated.

"That's good news." Obi-Wan stated pretending like he knew what he was talking about. I giggled at the way Obi-Wan sounded. The two sent me a glare and then turned back towards each other.

"Please tell your master Sifo-Dyas that his order will be met on time." The Prime Minister ordered. Obi-Wan looked at him in confusion before asking:

"I'm sorry Master?"

"Jedi Master Sifo-Dyas is still a leading member of the Jedi Council, is he not?" The Prime Minister asked with equal confusion.

"Master Sifo-Dyas was killed almost ten years ago." Obi-Wan explained.

"O I am so sorry to hear that. But I'm sure he would have been proud of the army we've built for him." The Prime Minister expressed.

"The army?" I questioned with a raised eyebrow.

"Yes, a clone army. And I must say, one of the finest we've ever created." The Prime Minister explained proudly.

"Tell me Prime Minister. When my master first contacted you about the army, did he say who it was for?" Obi-Wan asked with suspicion and a hint of confusion.

"Of course he did. This army is for the Republic. But you must be anxious to inspect the units for yourself." The Prime Minister explained.

"That why we're here." I lied laughing.

The three of us stood up and followed Lama Su out of the room and back into the hall. We walked towards a window that held thousands of machines with identical babies in them. They were like test tubes.

"Vey impressive." Obi-Wan encouraged.

"I'd hoped you be pleased." The Prime Minister spoke with pride.

We walked through a tunnel that was all glass. You could see the cloning machines. The Prime Minister was talking, but I didn't pay much attention. I stared at the clones and machines in awe. We stopped in front of a window where about fifty clones sat on computers learning. The clones looked like they could have been twelve years old.

"This group of clones was created five years ago." I heard the Prime Minister say. I turned towards him in utter astonishment. He didn't notice my staring and continued talking.

"They are completely obedient, and can take any order. We modified there genetic structure to make them less independent than the original host."

"And who was the original host?" Obi-Wan asked.

"A bounty named Jango Fett." The Prime Minister answered. I stopped and stood with my mouth wide open. This was the bounty hunter I had found when researching about the changeling. The two kept walking until Obi-Wan noticed I had stopped. He turned around and stared at me with confusion before gesturing for me to come.

"And where is this bounty hunter now?" I asked hoping we would be able to meet him.

"We keep him here." The Prime Minister answered. We began walking down the hall.

"A part from his pay which is considerable. Fett had asked for an unaltered Clone for himself. Bazaar isn't it?"

"Unaltered?" Obi-Wan asked.

"Yes pure genetic an exact pure replication, no altering. No growth acceleration." The Prime Minister explained.

"I would be very honored to meet this Jango Fett." Obi-Wan stated.

"I would be pleased to introduce you to him." The assistant announced behind us. I hadn't realized she was there until now. We entered a door leading to a balcony. We stood at the edge and looked down. Below stood thousands of Clone troopers in line marching. I gave Obi-Wan a look and saw he was in deep thought.

"Magnificent, aren't they?" The Prime Minister asked already knowing the answer. We didn't answer. After a few minutes of watching the clones the female Kaminoan lead Obi-Wan and I towards the bounty hunters room. We stood outside the door, right before the assistant knocked. I felt a sharp pain in my head. I grabbed my skull and screamed. I slide to the floor and cried while images of Anakin cradling someone crossed my mind. It felt as if someone's was smashing my head with a rock. Anakin was in trouble I knew for a fact. I cradled my head in my hands. I felt someone place both there hands on mine. I looked up into the most beautiful hazel eyes I had ever seen. They held worry, fear, and something else I had never seen before. I got lost in the depths of his eyes.

"Aisley, speak to me. What happened!" He panicked still holding my hands. It took me a couple seconds to focus.

"It's Anakin. He's in trouble." Was my short answer. Obi-Wan took a step back to give me room. He grabbed both my hands and hoisted me up. I was off balance so I ended up in his arms. He placed me back on my feet and allowed me to explain.

"It's Anakin, something is terribly wrong. I don't know if it's already happened or it's going to happen. But I have to do something about it."

"Go, I can take care of the rest of this. Go help your brother." Obi-Wan ordered.


"Go we can discuss the rest of this another time." He cut me off. I smiled at him as did he. I turned around and began walking away. I stopped half way and turned back around. I ran towards him and hugged him. He was surprised at first, but than placed his arms around my waist and nestled him head on my shoulder. I released him and began walking away again. I didn't say anything. I walked out of the base, it was still raining.

"Just in case." I spoke out loud to myself as I a tracker on the side of Obi-Wan's ship.  When I entered my ship I spoke to my droid:

"R2-KT, set a course for Tatooine."

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