Shortly after everyone had finished their meals the guest left to check on their ship. Anakin and I sat on the floor in our room that only had two dirty mattresses and rug.
"Do you really think I could win this time?" Anakin questioned with hope evident in his voice.
"Yeah." I responded less confident then I had planned. Anakin frowned a little at the tone in my voice.
"No you don't." Anakin argued standing up from the floor and attempting to walk out. I quickly grabbed his hand and pulled him back to the ground before he could fully move.
"No I do. It's just the odds are against us." I explained honestly. I looked to the ground ashamed for making my brother believe I had no confidence in him.
"You just need to have faith." He stated smiling like a hopeful child, which exactly what he was.
"Come on let's go, we have to meet with Watto and Qui-Gon." He sighed grabbing my hand and pulling the two of us off the floor.
"What is this?!? The boy tells me you want to sponsor him in the race. How can you do this? They don't take Republic credits." Watto exclaimed with frustration and a hint of confusion. I sat on the stool and watched as Watto, Qui-Gon, and Anakin went back and forth arguing.
"My ship will be the entry fee." Qui-Gon stated pulling out a Hologram of the most stunning ship I had ever see. It was sleek white and quite large. We all stared at the ship in awe, all except Qui-Gon.
"Not bad." Watto expressed with a nod of approval. Qui-Gon began to discuss the certain parts that were needed for the ship with Watto.
"What will the boy ride? He crashed my pod in the last race." Watto inquired.
"It wasn't my fault. Sebolba flashed me with his lights. I saved the pod, mostly." Anakin defended. I giggled out loud at the memory of the last race. Anakin turned around and glared at me.
"The boy is good." Watto laughed agreeing with Anakin.
"I have gained a pod, the fastest ever built." Qui-Gon declared proudly glancing at Anakin. Anakin turned and looked at me with a guilty face. Watto made a joke about the pod, and both Watto and Qui-Gon began laughing.
"So you supply the pod, the entry fee. And I supply the boy. So it will be fifty fifty." Watto explained.
"If it's going to be fifty fifty, why don't you supply the cash we need. If we win I get all the parts we need and you keep the money. But if we lose you keep my ship. Either way you win." Qui-Gon offered. Watto had to think for a few seconds. Qui-Gon glanced over at Anakin and I with a smile. I was so confused at what he was trying to do.
"Deal." Watto agreed shaking Qui-Gon's hand. Me and Anakin both looked at each other with confusion evident on our faces. Qui-Gon, most likely heading back to our house. Which left us with Watto, he made us work for three hours.
"What if you lose?" I finally question out loud turning to Anakin, while he was tinkering with a old droid. He looked up from the droid to face a frowning nine year old me.
"Don't talk like that, I know I will win and he'll free us." Anakin hopefully explained. I smiled at him, I wish I had that much faith. We went back to work until we were allowed to leave. We arrived back home and began working on the pod. It had a lot of problems, some almost unfixable. But I felt that we could finish before the race. Soon a few of our 'friends' arrived to see what we were doing.
"Wow a real astro-droid! How do you get so lucky!?!" Exclaimed our friend Kitser pointing at R2.
"That isn't even half of it." I explained cockily.
"I made it in the Bunta race tomorrow." Anakin added smirking.
"With this?" Kitser stated with mock laughter.
"Your joking Ani." A rodian names Gredo laughed.
"You've been working on this for years. It's never going to run." Stated a girl named Amee. They all left us laughing.
"It's okay Ani your going to do great and we'll be the ones laughing." I scoffed. Jar Jar and Padmè helped with the pod it was funny watching Jar Jar attempt to help. I noticed him messing around the energy binders.
"Jar Jar keep away from those energy binders, if your hand touches it for even a second your hand is going to be numb for hours." I warned. Not even ten seconds later he bent down to pick something up. His tongue hit the beam and went completely numb. He dropped his tool in one of the back engines. Than tried to talk but everything came out as a mumble. He reached into the engine to grab his tools, but his hand got stuck. Anakin was about to start the pod, and nobody knew he was stuck. I quickly walked over to Jar Jar, to help get his hand out. I had to yank on it a few times, it finally came free. Anakin started up the pod, and it actually worked. My twin began screaming excitedly. I let out a laugh at my brothers happiness.
Later that night Qui-Gon took us outside to talk to us about something. If I had known it was about taking our blood I wouldn't have went.
"Stay still little one." He warned me as he pricked the needle into my skin. It felt like a pinch. Than he did the same to Anakin. Anakin began looking up to the sky.
"There's so many planets. Has anyone ever been to them all?" Anakin question in astonishment.
"Not likely." Qui-Gon answered, not very interested in the conversation.
"I want to be the first one to see them all." Anakin stated smiling up to the sky. I smiled as well.
"Ani, Ais. It bedtime." Our mother informed walking by.
"What are you doing?" Anakin asked, confused as to why he needed our blood.
"Checking your blood for infection." He answered but I could tell it was a lie. He told us to head to bed. We both got up, Anakin walked away but I hid behind a wall hoping to listen to whatever Qui-Gon was doing. He pulled out a communicator and began speaking to someone named 'Obi-Wan'.
"I need an analysis of these blood samples I'm sending you. I need a midichlorian count." Qui-Gon ordered. What were midichlorians? I couldn't hear what the 'Obi-Wan' person was saying. He placed the blood samples into the communicator and waited for the results.
"No jedi has." Qui-Gon informed. No jedi has had what? I wish I knew what the other person was saying. He turned and noticed me watching, that's when I decided it was a good time to leave. I went to bed that night but couldn't fall asleep. I had so many questions that needed answering. What were midichlorians? Why did Qui-Gon need our blood? What if Ani doesn't win the race? Who was this 'Obi-Wan' person? It took some time, but I eventually fell asleep.
"I can hear you thinking." Anakin groaned from his bed. He rolled on his side and brought his pillow over his head. Attempting to muffle out my thoughts. Since we were little, Anakin and I could feel each other's emotions, and occasionally thoughts. Our connection was strongest during intense moments. We could feel each other's pain. It was strange, but we never told our mom. I sighed before rolling over and falling asleep.

The Skywalker Twins
FanfictionBOOK ONE IN THE SKYWALKER TWIN SERIES I WROTE THIS WHEN I WAS 12 SORRY FOR ALL THE ERRORS! THE SEQUEL IS BETTER ABOUT THAT STUFF Bout to go under MAJOR editing. The sequel is called The Other Skywalker you can find it on my account. What if when Q...