My thoughts of death vanished when I looked around and saw countless of Jedi crowded around the arena with different colors of lightsabers. Some of the Jedi were on the floor while others were on the bleachers. I smiled widely realizing that we were going to live, at least for a little while longer. The Geonosisians were flying away in fear. Thousands of battle droids entered the arena prepared to kill. The Jedi charged at the droids destroying as many as possible. The sounds of the lightsabers clashing, the blasters were the only things that could be heard.We rode up to the Jedi as they fought, two Jedi that I had never met before, threw our lightsabers towards us. I had no idea how they found them. Anakin sliced Obi-Wan's chains off with his green lightsaber. Soon after Obi-Wan did the same to mine with his blue one. Suddenly a giant blast knocked the creature we were still riding over causing us to fly off of its back and into the battle. I looked up and saw a giant tank. It knocked one of the columns over with its blast. Blast were coming from everywhere, Padmè had found a blaster that was left from a dead droid. I used my purple lightsaber to deflect blast that we're aiming in my direction.
I sliced countless droids, with my lightsaber. One was charging at me as fast as it could. I swung my lightsabers chopping off its head. Not even a second later I yanked my lightsabers behind me stabbing another droid in the side. I smiled triumphantly. I turned to my right and saw a familiar blue Twi'lek trying to destroy three destroyer droids.
"Need a hand?" I smugly asked running in her direction. She turned around and smiled.
"What do you think?" Aayla asked still deflecting the blast that were being shot towards her. I ran to her side and began deflecting blast as well.
"Are you angry with me?" I asked shyfully, knowing she knew about me abandoning my mission to help my brother. She turns to me and forces a smile, which was terrifying.
I turned back to the droids that were still attempting to kill us. I quietly deflected there blast, as did Aayla. I saw Obi-Wan out of the corner of my eye. He was amazing as he destroyed the droids. He was so focused on the droids, he hadn't realized the beast that was sent to kill him was approaching. As it got nearer I yelped realizing it was going to attack him. I took off running in his direction. He slowly turned around and looked up at the monster in fear. Just as it was about to crush him with its pinchers, I sliced it's arm off. Obi-Wan did the same with another one of its arms.
"Anytime." I smugly replied slicing off another one of the creatures arms. It screamed in agony, I wished to put it out of its misery. Obi-Wan looked at me for a second before turning to the beast as it fell to the ground. He rotated his lightsaber a few times in his hand before driving it into the beast back. Silencing it, it was as if he read my mind. He looked up at me for a second, I couldn't tell what emotions were swirling in his beautiful blue eyes. Suddenly he threw his hand out in my direction. I quickly turned around and saw three droids being magically thrown in the air. I tried to hide the blush that crept up on my face as I turned around.
The Jedi were being pushed back in a circle, we were surrounded. Maybe this was the way I was going to die instead? It was a lot more Jedi like to die fighting than be strapped to a pole and waiting to be something's dinner. I preferred this than being dinner anyway. The droids stopped shooting bringing me out of my thoughts. We all slowly put down our weapons. Obi-Wan was crouched down examining an injured Jedi. I would have helped him look over the injured. But I stood defensively in front of him. If anyone shot at him I would block it.
"Master Windu, you have fought gallantly worthy of recognition in the archives of the Jedi order." A voice spoke from above us, I recognized the voice. Dooku. I looked up and saw him perched on the same balcony as earlier.

The Skywalker Twins
FanfictionBOOK ONE IN THE SKYWALKER TWIN SERIES I WROTE THIS WHEN I WAS 12 SORRY FOR ALL THE ERRORS! THE SEQUEL IS BETTER ABOUT THAT STUFF Bout to go under MAJOR editing. The sequel is called The Other Skywalker you can find it on my account. What if when Q...