Shortly after our discussion with the Jedi Council Qui-Gon and Obi-Wan entered the council room where my twin and I waited for a answer. We all faced Yoda and Mace Windu.
"They are strong with the force." Mace Windu stated.
"So they are to be trained?" Qui-Gon asked with hope. I smiled hoping the answer would be yes. I was so excited, I was basically shaking. The Jedi council looked around at each other than Mace Windu answered:
The smile on my face dropped, my eyes grew watery. I glanced over at Anakin who had a face of shock. I looked up at Obi-Wan and Qui-Gon to see them matching the same facial expressions of Anakin.
"They're too old." Mace Windu continued.
I glanced over at Anakin to see a look of anger on his face. When he noticed me about to cry, his anger rose.
"They are the chosen ones, you must see it." Qui-Gon retorted.
"Clouded, the twins future is." Yoda added.
"I will train the boy, and Master Aayla Secura already volunteered to train the girl." Qui-Gon justified.
"An apprentice you have Qui-Gon. Impossible to take on a second. I will consider Aayla as an option for the girl." Yoda informed. I glanced up at Obi-Wan who had a hurt look on his face. I wondered who this Aayla was?
"The code forbids you to take on a second apprentice." Mace Windu added
"Obi-Wan is ready."
"I am ready to face the trials." Obi-Wan agreed stepping forwards.
"His head is strong and he has more to learn about the living force. But he is ready. There is little more he can learn from me." Qui-Gon explained.
"The young Skywalkers fate will be decided later." Yoda stated
"Now is not the time for this. The senate is voting for a new Chancellor, and Queen Amidala is returning to Naboo. Which could widen the conflict, and bring out the queen's attacker. We insist you accompany her. This is the clue we need to reveal the mystery of the sith." Mace Windu explained. We all bowed and exited the room full of Jedi.
"May the force be with you." Was Yoda's last words to us before we left for Naboo.
We all headed towards the landing dock where we had first arrived. Anakin and I sat on the ground messsing around with R2. Qui-Gon and Obi-Wan walked by us talking about how we were dangerous. I turned towards Anakin and asked:
"Did we make the right decision in coming here?"
"Why do you ask?"
"Because they think we are dangerous and refuse to train us." Was my honest answer. I don't understand why the Jedi council would fear us.
"I don't know. I've always wanted to become a Jedi." Anakin answered looking down in sadness.
"So have I." I added. Obi-Wan walked away, this was our time to talk to Qui-Gon about the council. We both stood up from the ground and walked towards him.
"Qui-Gon. Sir I don't want us to be a problem." Anakin apologized with a look of guilt on his face.
"You won't be. I'm not allowed to train you, so be watchful and mindful. Your focus determines your reality. Stay focused and stay close to me." Qui-Gon ordered kneeling down to look us in the eye.
"Master, sir I heard Yoda talking about midichlorians. What are midichlorians?" I used this as an excuse to ask about them, I've been wondering what a midichlorian is since we left Tatooine.
"Midichlorians are a life form that reside in all living cells." Qui-Gon explained. Still not understanding what they were I asked:
"So they live inside me?"
"Inside your cells. Without midichlorians life would not exist, and we would not be here." Qui-Gon corrected. When the queen began approaching us we all stood up and faced her. Qui-Gon, the queen and the rest of her handmaidens walked ahead of Ani and I.
"We'sa goin hommmmmeee!" Jar Jar cheered running onto the ship. We laughed as we followed Jar Jar onto the ship.
We sat with the captain of the ship in the control room. He explained all the parts of the ship to us and how to control them. When we arrived to the planet Naboo, Anakin and I stared at it in awe. It was beautiful I had never seen anything like it. It was colorful, and not to cold but not to hot. It was a lot better than Tatooine. Trees were everywhere. I had never seen this much color in my life. When the ship landed we weren't allowed to go very far. But Anakin and I still looked around at all the new things we had never seen before.
"What are you doing? Anakin asked tilting his head. I was hugging a tree two feet off the ground.
"What does it look like? I'm trying to climb a tree." I snapped back frustrated about how hard this was. I had heard that trees were easy and fun to climb, but why was this so hard? My tree climbing was interrupted by Padmè telling us to walk with her over to the queen. We waited along the river waiting for Jar Jar to return. When he came up from the water he told everyone the underwater kingdom was deserted.
"When in trouble gungans go to sacred place. Me'sa show you come on." Jar Jar informed leading everyone away from the water. We followed Jar Jar until finally we began seeing the gungan villagers. We walked passed the creatures, we received many different stares. Some were fear, confusion, or even anger. We stopped walking when we were a few feet away from a gungan who was bigger than the rest and wore a crown. He sat on a large chair, that seemed to be a wooden thrown. He was clearly the leader. One of the warriors announced our arrival, the queen stepped forward. While Anakin stood next to Padmè and I stood next to Obi-Wan.
"Hello." Jar Jar greeted nervously.
"Jar Jar Binks. Whosta Es dis?" The gungan ruler asked.
"I am queen Amidala, ruler of the Naboo. I come before you in peace." The queen greeted.
"Yousa all are bad." The ruler stated.
"We have searched you out, because we have wish to form an alliance-." The queen was interrupted by Padmè walking forward.
"Your honor." Padmè addressed.
"Whosa Es dis?" The gungan ruler questioned.
"I am queen Amidala." Padmè stated, whispers erupted everywhere. My mouth dropped open and I looked towards Anakin to see him with the same expression as me.
"This is my decoy, my loyal bodyguard. I'm sorry for my deception but it was necessary to protect myself. All though we do not always agree our societies have always lived in peace." Padmè continued
"The trade federation has planned to destroy everything we have ever built. If we do not act now, all will be lost forever. Help us. No I beg you to help us. We are your humble servants." Padmè begged kneeling down before the gungan ruler, soon everyone knelt down. We waited for the gungan ruler to decide if he was going to help. Everyone was praying that the answer would be yes.
"Our fate is in your hands." Was Padmè's last word before ending her little speech. The leader of the gungans began laughing. Saliva flew out of his mouth. I cringed in disgust.
"Yousa think yousa lower Dan da gungans. Mesa like dis deal. Wesa be freinds." The gungan ruler answered with a chuckle. Everyone began cheering, including the gungans.

The Skywalker Twins
FanfictionBOOK ONE IN THE SKYWALKER TWIN SERIES I WROTE THIS WHEN I WAS 12 SORRY FOR ALL THE ERRORS! THE SEQUEL IS BETTER ABOUT THAT STUFF Bout to go under MAJOR editing. The sequel is called The Other Skywalker you can find it on my account. What if when Q...