Chapter Eighteen

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Being in a drunk state was no difference than being in love. For her they were both confusing as ever.


I woke up to an obnoxious knocking sound at the door. My eyes groggily fluttered open as I observed my surrounding hesitantly. It was dark, no source of light in this dim room and as I flipped my head to the side he was gone. I felt my heart tightened in my chest, he left me in his room with a blanket wrapped around my naked body, all alone once again.

I was now struggling to seat up with my head hanging low, as the door suddenly creaked open. The intruder flipped the light switch on whilst my head was still hanging low from annoyance.

"Good morning sunshine" that familiar, chirpy, british accent rang in my ear making me hiss in pain. Great.

"What time is it?" I groaned my eyes slowly glancing up under my lashes, revealing Louis who was now leaning against the doorframe as he stared down at me with that smug smirk on his face. I certainly wanted to wipe that smirk off of his face. 

In that moment, I was in no good mood and it was evident. "It's 10, sweetheart" Louis spoke amusedly as I groaned once again now laying back in the bed. 

"Bloody hell Louis its only ten in the morning, give me a break" I hissed at Louis as I shut my eyes close wanting to fall back into a deep slumber.

The awkward silence was now filling the room, It was really bothering me knowing that Louis was still here watching over me as I laid in bed. I slowly fluttered my eyes open now peaking at him as I stared back up at Louis who was still leaning against the door frame with his arms firmly crossed over his chest. There was a smirk forming in the corner of his lip that drove me mad. "It's 10 in the evening, so you better get up and change. Where meeting the rest of the gang at the club" he spoke, smirking widely at me as my eyes widen. Did I seriously slept the whole day? Yes, apparently. I watched Louis walking out of that door now leaving me dazed and confused.

What the hell. I slept the whole day and Harry, the bloody bastard din't even bother waking me up. How inconsiderate he was-bringing another one of his mate to do his job. 

I felt Louis presence once again as my eyes found his as I stared up at him frustratedly. "What if I don't want to go?" I spoke sassily, my eyes narrowed to slits towards him, my eyebrows furrowed as I stared into his blue eyes with my mocking brown ones.

"You have no other choice" he spoke sternly as I chuckled. My eyes finding his as he stared at me solemnly, seeming serious now as I stopped chuckling at his seriousness.

I felt like a complete idiot under his gaze. 

He stared down at me daring me to say something back, however I pushed that urge back since his gaze was really making me feel stupid. "Alright, alright" I groaned as I got up from the bed now walking towards the door as I passed Louis, I heard him chuckle behind me making me roll my eyes at his behavior.

"Im glad I din't caught you naked like the last time" Louis spoke as he chuckled making me froze on the spot. I suddenly remembered the past events of Louis accidentally seeing me nude, I cringed at the thought not wanting to remember that awkward moment. 

"Shut up" I hissed now feeling his eyes behind me as he followed suit. I pushed the door open of my room and walked towards my closet now picking a dress to wear.

"What crawled up your ass" Louis sassily spoke as I rolled my eyes once again. I was obviously not in the mood for his bickering.

It took me a moment to answer Louis because all I thought about was Harry. "Harry" I suddenly replied, remembering him. The glint in my eyes now showing sorrow as my brain suddenly din't fought the thought of Harry.

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