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~time skip~

I began to become bored sitting on my bed all day. So I went outside to walk alone for a while. I get down and get my F/C shoes and coat and head out the door.

After 15 minutes I notice I was lost in the middle of a forest. I tried calling but my voice was too tired to. I thought I was going to be stranded here for a few days.

~Time Skip~

After a few hours I find a den that looked like a normal human's house. I look inside, no one was there. As I tug the door's doorknob it fell, I try to put it back in but no. My heart panicked thinking the owner(s) will kill me but soon curiousity got me and I went in and became calm, kinda.

I look at the messy table in front of me and I spotted some honey wassabi gummies, and took some (no one will notice! *wink*). I put one inside my mouth and go to the kitchen. The kitchen was clean unlike the previous room. I continue exploring and spot two bedrooms, one was clean filled with plushy toys, the other was messy as hell. I thought two people live here, so yeah.

I go back to the first room and sat on the couch, I pick up the remote control and turn on the telivision to cartoon network. And I suddenly feel an unusual feeling about this place, somehow familiar...

As I look outside the window I spot a couple of bear figures coming. I freak out and try to turn off th tv but it was too late, the figures open the door and I hid under the couch. I see brown, black and white feet or...paws come in. I hear a voice then saying " Hey... Who stole my wassabi gummies?!?" The voice then blamed someone with an innocent voice "I didn't!" "Ice bear didn't"

A few minutes later, the bear feet went to another room. As quickly as I can, I went through the window and broke the glass. I then ran out of the forest. And back at home. I slowly walk in and remove my shoes and put on my slippers, I walk into the kitchen and began to cook. I see my little sister walk in bringing her sketchbook, she yawned and walked over to the table and began drawing. I look at her a went back to cooking.

I finish cooking and put the food on the sister looks up and begins eating.

What a messy eater she is

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