1. The beginning (1)

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(Mic ^^^^^^)

New York Institute

"I will not let my son grow up in this environment,and if giving up my role as a warrior is the sacrifice I need to make, then so be it" said Mic. The elders looked at Mic for a few seconds and then replied. "Very well, your request has been granted. But know this, you are always welcome back" Theo, the leader of the elders replied. Mic thanked the elders and started towards the exit. "But there is one condition, when the child has reached an appropriate age of our choice, he must learn of his heritage and must choose if he would like to train or remain hidden, is that Clear?" Mic wanted to argue but thought against it. The elders could still punish him, regardless of his resignation. "Yes, it is clear" Mic replied and turned to leave. "The child would be better off with us, Theo" argued Mary. "He is Michaels grandson, and a first generation arch-nephilim. His power exceeds even ours. We cannot let him find out or we will be in trouble" she continued. "I know Mary, but I feel the child will be our only hope of survival for what's to come. We have to let Mic figure that out on his own. He only took the child because of what happened to Lila, he will be back" said Theo.
17 years later. (Cross household)

"Again!" Shouted my dad, Mic. "Come on dad, we've been at this for two hours, I still need to get ready for school" I replied. "One more round and we'll call it quits" he said. Hunter nodded and got into his fighting stance. They circled each other for a while and then darted towards each other and began fighting. Dad swung for my face but I ducked and twirled my leg out, but he jumped over it. I got up and threw a punch and he grabbed it. He twisted it but I countered it by doing a flip and shooting my leg out as I landed, catching him in the stomach. He stumbled onto the floor but quickly regained his stance. He kicked out and I blocked it but he caught me off guard with the twist and punch which got me in my chest. He took my moment of imbalance as an opportunity to get me with a round house kick, which caught me in my stomach, causing me to roll onto the floor. My wind was knocked out and I felt a little dizzy. My father walked up to me with a smile on his face. "You need to be ready for any thing, Hunter, you ca-" before he could finish, I lashed my foot out and kicked him, causing him to stumble back. I did a kick up and darted towards my dad. I jumped and hooked my left knee at the back of his neck and my right in the front and twisted while coming coming down.

He hit the ground with a thud and rolled on his sides. He shook off the pain and jumped up, lunging for me, throwing punch after punch. I blocked them, but he kept on coming. Instead of just playing defense, I caught his arm with my left hand and connected my right hand palm with his chin, knocking back. I punched him in the stomach, causing him to bow in pain, and then I brought my knee up into his face, bringing him back upright. I threw my arm out for a punch but he moved to the side and caught it, placing his other hand on my shoulder and forcing me down. When I was bent forward, he put his leg around my head in a choking position and dove forward, causing me to flip front wards onto my back, which knocked the wind out of me. He held his position, holding my arm and keeping his leg on my neck. He lets go and I get up, "You've been doing this longer than I have, I'm not on your level," I say. "Well, with the level you're on now, you'll have no problem reaching mine in no time. Now go shower and get ready for school," he instructs. I nodded and walked inside, up to my room.

I opened my room door and walked in, closing it behind me. I took off my shirt and looked in the mirror. I had bruises on both sides of my ribs, as well as on my right shoulder blade.  Luckily, no bruises in the face. I undressed and walked into my bathroom, turning on the shower and waiting for the warm water to kick in. I showered, brushed my teeth and got ready for school. Once I was dressed I headed downstairs to find my dad drinking a cup of coffee. He was already in his work clothing, wearing a baby blue shirt, rolled up by the sleeves, a matching baby blue tie and a black formal pants with a formal shoe. My dad was a very handsome man, if I have to say so myself. He had dark black hair, really intense blue eyes, he was muscular, and about 6'0. I have all the same features of him, except I'm 5'9 in height. I took out a bowl and put some cereal in it and milk and began eating. "I have a meeting with Nike today to discuss the sponsorship for our annual night race. I might be a few hours late today, so you can order some take-out for the both of us" Dad said. "Sure thing dad. Just be careful on your way home tonight, okay?" I told him. He put down his mug in the sink and walked over to, placing a kiss on my forehead. "Always. Now come on, let's get ready to go." I got up and put my bowl in the sink, grabbed my wallet and car keys and walked out the front door after dad, and locked it. I got into my car, started it and hooted for my dad before I drove off.

I stopped off at a café and got three chocolate shakes for myself and my friends. When I got to school I parked my car, grabbed my belongings and got out. I locked the car, switched on the alarm and made my way to the entrance. When I reached my locker I opened it up, put the tray of shakes down, and took my bag off my shoulder. I took out my books and only left the ones I need for the first two periods, knowing my third period was going to be on the floor of my locker, so I could just get my books then. "Heya!" Sqealed Freya. " I turned around and gave her, her shake and greeted her with a warm smile, "Hey Freya." She took the shake, sipped from it and made "hmmm" sound. "Thanks Hunter, you're the best" she said taking gulp after gulp. "Hey guys" a new voice joined. It was Chris. "Hey Chris," I said, handing him his shake. "Thanks man. I've been waiting for this all morning," he said gulping down the shake. "Well, it's your turn now, I did my part" I said. Freya reached into her bag and pulled out red sweet liquorice sticks and Chris did the same. "Here you go," they both answered simultaneously. I took it from them and thanked them.  The bell rang and we headed off to class.

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