17. The truth 1

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The Institute

We were all seated in the tech room, waiting for Theo and Michael to arrive. The door opened, and in walked Chris. "Chris!" I exclaimed and ran towards him and crushed him in a hug. "Hey! Wow. Easy there," he chuckled. "I missed you too." "How was your training away?" I asked. Chris has been at a training camp with other weavers, learning to carve different runes and help them in their hand to hand and weapons training for battle. "It was great! I learnt so much, and I feel like a real warrior now," he explained. "Right you are, Chris," Theo said as he walked in. "Mason sent your report through, and I must say, you improved excellently. Your combat is field ready, as well as your mystical power," he explained. "I'm impressed. Congrats, man," Tyler said. "Oh, he speaks," Chris said, and I chuckled. "What's that supposed to mean?" Tyler asked. "You do have a tendency to give everyone the silent treatment for quite some time," I said. "That and you intimidate most people with that glare of yours, which answers my question as to why you don't have a lot of friends," Chris explains, and Gabby lets out a snort. "I do not!" Tyler exclaims, and everyone in the room murmurs "sure" in unison, making Tyler glare at us. "Oh, there it is," Chris says. "Have you heard anything from Freya?" He asks. "Yeah, she should be back later tonight from her training," I replied. "Okay. So, what are we all doing in the tech room? I bet it's not planning a surprise party for my return," Chris says. "We found Hunter's dad in one of the hives outside town," Tyler replied. "OMG! That's amazing news!" Chris exclaimed and patted me on the back. "Yeah, and now that you're back, we can portal there instead of taking a couple hours drive," Gabby said. "I've been waiting to open a portal. It was banned on training," Chris says excitedly.

"We found it," Michael says from the other side of the room. I walked towards the monitor and awkwardly stared at him, waiting for him to continue. "The only problem is, demons aren't the ones that took your dad." As the words left Michael's mouth, I couldn't believe it. "Who else would take him then?" I ask. "Nephilim," Michael replied. "What! Wh--wh-why whould they do that?" I asked. "Because they wanted to draw you out. You're a powerful being," Michael answered. "Why is it so bad being an arch-nephilim, especially for Nephilim?" Chris asked. "You must realise that your power as an arch-nephilim exceeds that of any nephilim,"Michael says. "You're nearly, if not already, as powerful as an angel. You haven't yet realised that those markings on your body are actually the type of powers you possess as an arch-nephilim,"Michael explained. I take off my top and examine the markings on my body. Michael walks over and starts tracing them with his index finger. As soon as he touches my skin, I feel a surge of power flow through me as he traces them. The feeling is so amazing my eyes close and my head tilts back. It gives the saying 'a magical touch' a whole new meaning. I stay still as he continues his traces. This should be really weird considering it was my grandfather doing this when he is actually a million years older than me. Michael catches the hint and stops tracing the markings.

"What was That?" I asked Michael, still slightly out of it. "That was our angelic essence connecting. Because we're blood linked, it's heightened tenfold. It happens when celestial beings touch those that carry a familiar essence to them," he explains. "I want to feel,"Gabby says, stepping forward. Michale nods and places his index finger on Gabby's arm and starts tracing it all over her skin. Gabby's eyes suddenly close and a yelp escapes her lips. "Oohhh myyy. This........is........amazing," she says. Michael lets out a chuckle and stops tracing. "Wh- why did you stoop," Gabby says as she pouts. "Because It looks like I'm trying to seduce a teenager, which both on earth and in heaven is seen as a sin," Michael says. "Okay, if you're done with your little celestial party trick, can we please get back to the fact that your own kind is behind the kidnapping of your dad," Chris says, making everyone chuckle "Well, he's being kept at the Miami institute. Some of the best nephilim are situated there, so it's going to be a challenge getting in, let alone getting your dad out,"Michael says. "Well, I, for one, am scared, but we have more than what they have,"I say. "We have a bad ass witch, a weaver that can steal life force with a drawing, three kick-ass nephilim, top of the institute. I mean, what do we have to lose?" I say, trying to motivate everyone. "You forgot, we also have an arch-nephilim that puts others' needs before himself and doesn't even know his own strength. I, for one, think that we could actually pull this off with you," Dane says. I smile at his words and know that what he says might be true. I really don't know what I'm capable of, I mean, Michael said I have all these powers, but I've never tried to access them. Maybe it's time I take my role as an arch-nephilim seriously, for everyone's sake, including mine. "Well then, let's suit up and head out. We've got butt to kick," I say, and everyone nods and leaves to get ready.

Dane and I are the only ones left in the room."Thank you," I say as he walks closer to me. "Pleasure," he says as he comes even closer, connecting our lips. "Guys, come on," Gabby interrupts. We pull away, still smiling, intertwining our hands, and leave to get ready. I'm coming dad, just hold on tight.

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