5. Secrets

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Mrs Frederick's magic shop

We arrived at the magic store to find the lights still on. We walked up to the door, but it was locked. I pulled my spare key from my pocket and unlocked the door. We walked through and the familiar scent of the different spices and fragrances hit me. "Hunter, bring yourself and your friends to the back, I feel like there is much to do," Mrs Fredericks calls out, making me gape. "She's got a knack for these things. She's helped the institute a lot," Dane explained. We walked to the backroom to find Mrs Fredericks' lighting candles. "Come. Have a seat, and we'll get started," she said. We sat around the table and she soon joined us. "So you found out, Huh?" She said. "Yes, I did. It wasn't how I expected to find out, but I did," I said. "Well, from what I saw, you handled yourself really well without your angelic powers," she said. I looked at her, confused. "I saw the whole thing play out, I have a knack for knowing things," she said, making me smile. "Well, how come you never gave signs that we both live in different worlds?" I asked her. "I swore an oath to not even give the slightest idea you were different. I promised your father I would protect you. That's why I cast a spell on you to make up your mind and get a job here," she explained. "Wow. And here I thought my dad was the master of deceit," I said sarcastically. "Eh. Either way, I did my part protecting you, but now it's your turn to protect yourself and those you care about," she said.

"Well then, let's get started, shall we," Mrs Fredericks said as she reached out to take my hands into hers. "You have to close your eyes and breathe steadily. Focus on what it is your want, on the part of your mind that you can't seem to reach," she explained. I nodded and did as she said. I closed my eyes a day steadied my breathing, fully focused. I focused on the part of my mind that seemed to be like a locked door. I focused on the door and keyhole and moved towards it. When I reached it, I imagine a key fitting perfectly into the door and a white light shone through, obscuring my view. I imagine closing windows to dim the lights so I could get what I was looking for. When I had all of this in place, I heard Mrs Fredericks chanting, "Envisio kleretuum Mortom. Raptum reverre revelare, luminous spectrum armictus sera, potentia reverem." She continued chanting and I could feel the power emanating from her, getting stronger and stronger. Strong gusts of wind fill the shop, causing the windows to burst open. In my mind, I could see the light getting smaller and smaller until a single ball of light was left. I imagined grabbing hold of it and allowed it to spread through my whole body. I heard gasps, which could only come from Chris and Freya. I suddenly felt powerful, or at least a foreign energy all inside me, but it's welcoming, soothing.

I opened my eyes to find everyone staring at me. "What? Do I look different?" I asked. "Yeah, you do! Oh my god!" Exclaimed Freya. "It's like your dad hid some of your good looks away as well, because you suddenly look one hundred times better than you did before, and you were really hot before," explained Freya. I got up and looked at myself in the mirror bolted into the wall. My eyes widened at the sudden change in their colour, from a light hazel, to a darker blue shade. My muscles were a little more defined than they were before, and my hair was a shade darker. You could literally see the difference. Everything looked like it was natural, like I was born this way. Well, I was born this way. It just got taken away from me. "Whoa. How did this happen?"I asked, confused. "Your father concealed your appearance because it resembled that of an archangel. Your eyes, your perfect tanned skin, power, and your markings," she listed. "Markings?" I asked, puzzled. Dane walked over and pulled my arms up from my sides, revealing different runic patterns going all the way up. He lifted up my shirt and revealed more markings, cutting across my chest, right down my other arm. "How did I miss this?" I looked puzzled. "They appeared right when I mentioned them," Mrs Fredericks answered. "You need to realise Hunter that your royal heritage is not descended, but bloodlinked. Your stare alone radiates power and dominance among other nephilim, even the elders. You need to reach your 18th birthday in order to claim your royal mark, which symbolises your heritage," she explained. "But I already turned 18, two months ago," I said. "That's not your birthday, Hunter. Your birthday is on the second of September, which is two months from now. But none the less, your royal lineage still puts you above the elders," Mrs Fredericks explained. I took a minute to process the fact that I've been celebrating a fake birthday all my life. I wish my dad would have just told me, instead of me finding out from other people, especially people I've never met before. Now he's gone and in order to save him, I need to claim my birthrite as arch-nephilim and learn to use powers I never knew I had. "Well, is there anything else you children need," Mrs Fredericks asked to change the subject. There was silence for while, then Mrs Fredericks got up to leave. "Wait!" Freya exclaimed. Mrs Fredericks stopped and turned on her heels, a smile plastered on her face. "I was wondering if you were going to say something child," she said and walked over to the table.
Abonded plantation

"No! The boy has reclaimed his powers," shouted Marius. He paced up and down, anger emanating from him. "We knew it would happen soon, Marius. We can't stop everything from  happening. We're not God," said Kaiyas, finally showing his confidence. Marius stared at him and then looked at the unconscious man in the corner. "Well, it won't take long for him to find out where we are and where his father is, so I guess we open a portal and go back to the safe house and come up with a plan,"suggested Marius. Kaiyas nodded at the suggestion and walked towards Mic's unconscious body, and threw him over his shoulder. "Are you ready, Kaiyas?" Asked Marius. Kaiyas nodded and walked next to Marius with Mic sprawled over his shoulder. "Portem severclese," Marius said, and a blue light appeared in front of them and expanded. They walked through it and disappeared.
Mrs Frederick's magic shop.

"So tell me, what's wrong, child?" Mrs Fredericks asked Freya. "I-I-I see spirits. Like ghosts and stuff, that the others can't see," she said. "Ah. You can see through the veil. A very powerful gift for a witch as untrained as yourself to have," she explained. We all looked at Freya, who had a look of shock in her face. "I'm a witch?" she asks questioningly. "Yes, dear, and your powers have just recently been activated. Which means that whoever blocked them is either dead or your magic is really powerful for the spell to hold for a long period of time. Since I'm guessing it's either your mother or father and both are still alive, I'm going to go with the second one," Mrs Fredericks explained. "You think I'm a powerful witch?" Freya asked. "Yes I do,Freya. But I don't think, I know. You are a direct descended from the most powerful line of witches, the Lanchesters, as am I. Both our magic derives from that bloodline, but you're more powerful than I am, not because of age, but because you are directly descended from the very first witch," Mrs Fredericks  explained. That statement got Freya smiling from ear to ear, "So can you teach me how to do Magic?" Freya asked. "I'm afraid not, my dear, that's something the institute will teach you," Mrs Fredericks said.

Freya nodded, but she didn't lose the smile. "Well, I guess there's no more messing with her since she's this all-powerful witch now," I say. "Actually, magic cannot hurt you or phase you unless you allow it, of course. You see, when you were born, your powers hadn't been activated yet, so you were still susceptible to magical influence, but a month after your birth you would have come into your powers and no magic could have touch you, without you letting it in. But your powers came in a little later, leaving a gap open for me to do the spell and conceal your powers. When  your powers returned, so did the invulnerability to magic," Mrs Fredericks explained. "So all nephilim are immune to magic?" I asked. "No child, just you. It's part of your archangel power,"Mrs Fredericks said. A small smile twitched at the edge of my lips, thinking of how magic can't affect me. There's many other powers I need to discover, and fast.

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