13. This means war.

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Watering hole.

"Guys can you handle the creatures? Hunter and I'll take Sirens," Dane says and the others nod and head into battle. The Sirens charge towards Dane and I and us towards them. Sierra thrusts out the trident, but I front flip over it, landing and charging towards the pale haired siren. When I reach her, she lashes out the sword, but I duck under it and thrust my fist out, catching her in the stomach. She grunts and stumbles back, but quickly regains her balance. She charges toward me, and starts swing and slashing her sword. I manage to dodge the swords movements, even though she is highly skilled, but I did not manage to dodge the foot that connected with my chest. I was sent flying back into a tree. I land with my sides on the floor, with a loss of breath. "Wow. They really are strong." I look over at Dane, dodging hits from Sierra's trident. But he to was knocked down when Sierra flat palmed his chest, like a push, sending him flying into a nearby car. He grunts but shakes it off and gets back up into his stance. I look back at my siren, coming towards me. I do a kick up and walk towards her. She lashes out her sword in a criss-cross motion, which I dodge, but then she twirls and the sword slashes my side, leaving a deep cut. I grunt in pain but let it slide. I rush toward her and do a aerial flip, allowing my elongated legs to kick the sword behind her and my other leg to kick her square in the chest. She grunted and flew back a few feet, landing with a thud. She screams and gets up, rushing towards me again.

I allow my daggers to materialise and dart towards her, closing the distance between us. I block the attacks from the sword easier with the daggers. She twists her arm and brings the sword upwards diagonally, but I back flip out of its way. I then lunge and do a round house kick, but she blocks it and lashes put with her own foot, catching me in the back, sending me to the ground, landing with a thud. I shrug off the pain and stand up. She opens her mouth and starts a melody but nothing happens. "Argh! That stupid Witch!" She exclaims and turns around and starts walking to find Freya. I run and do a sideways flip over her, landing and lashing my foot out, connecting with her stomach, sending her flying back and landing with a hard thud. I run down towards her as she gets up and jump, placing my right knee under her chin and swinging my left leg around her kneck until it locks with the side of my right knee and twist coming down. The pale haired Sirens screams in pain as she lands hard on her back, clutching her side. She gets back up, still, clutching her side, but can't seem to stand still because of the dizziness. I take advantage of this and throw the daggers at her. The daggers nestle on either side of her chest and the siren makes a choking noise and falls to the ground. After a few seconds she stops moving. I walk towards her and pull the daggers out, wiping them off on her dress. Then her body starts decaying and soon she looks like a lifeless corpse. I look over at Sierra who is pinned to a tree by Dane. She looks over and sees her dead sisters body and let's out an ear piercing scream. Dane loosens his grip to cover his ears, and she grabs a hold of his arm and throws him into a car's windshield. She leaps into the air and disappears into the water.

I suddenly feel myself getting dizzy and the world goes black.
The Institute

When I come to, I notice I'm in a room with pale white walls, a row of beds and green curtains. I'm in the institutes medical wing. I sit up, feeling a sharp pain in my side and grunt. "Argh." I lift my arms and see that I have a patch on my side. "Oh yeah, I forgot," I say to myself and chuckle. "You're awake," a voice startles me, but I relax when I realise it was Dane. "How long have I been out?"I ask. "About three hours," he replies, sitting in the chair next to my bed. He takes my hand and squeezes, then lifts it to his mouth and places a kiss on it. "You were amazing out there today,"he says. "Nothing I did was amazing," I say. "You killed a siren, Hunter, something I've been trying to do for years you did in minutes. To me, that's pretty amazing," he says. I smile at the comment and squeeze his hand. "I'm sorry you didn't get to kill your mother's murderer," I say. "No worries. I'll get her," he says. He then leans over the bed and places his lips on mine. A few seconds into the kiss, I feel a tingle in my side and clutch it, not breaking the kiss, because I want it to last. When Dane finally pulls away, I look at my patched side and see that the bruising is gone around it. I apply a little bit of pressure to my side, but I feel nothing. I take off the patch and see that the cut has healed. My skin back to its unscathed smoothness. "It healed," I said, "Yeah. Arch-nephilim heal just as fast as angels. I guess your body receiving enough rush must have activated your healing factor," Dane explains. I get off the bed and put my sneakers on. "Let's go to  the mission room. I have a feeling there's news revolving around today's events," I say, and Dane nods. He takes my hadn't and we walk to the mission room.

When we enter the room, all heads turn into our directions. "Hunter. You are not supposed to be up,"my dad says. I lift up my shirt and reveal my freshly healed skin and say, "Why not? It's not like I'm injured or anything." "Your healing factor kicked in. Nice," Tyler exclaims. "So, any news?" I ask. "Yes. We found this an hour ago. It was a tape of the surveillance cameras at Club Nitrus," Theo says as he projects the video on the big screen. In the video are three men standing by the entrance of the club. Recognised Marius and Kaiyas, but not the third one. When he looks towards the camera, it stops. My eyes widened and realised that that's Mr Conary, our school principal. I look at Chris and Freya and see they share my shock. "You seem like you know this guy," Dane says. "We do. That's our school principle," I say. "What! No, it's not. Your principle is Mr Negan,"my dad retorts. "No, dad, Mr Negan passed on. This is our new principle," I say. "But what's he doing with Marius and Kaiyas?" I add. "That my friend is the face of Clark Morningstar," Theo says. My eyes widen, and I look at Theo. "You mean Clark Clark? You mean to tell me that the guy that's running my school is the same guy that killed my mother?" I say questioningly. My dad and Theo both nod their heads. I suddenly feel dizzy. This guy has been under my radar the whole time. Arhhhhhhhhhhggg! "So why did the Sirens attack us then?" I ask. "Because he sent them, he wanted to draw you out. Especially Dane. He knew you guys would follow. But he wasn't betting on finding that you were there way before," Theo explains.
"So you're trying to tell me that this guy is low-key trying to start another war?" I ask, and Theo nods. "Then we get ready. Because I'm not going to let this guy walk freely on my streets. I want him to pay," I say. "Then you better get enough rest and train a bit more. You'll need to be at full capacity when you fight him," my dad says. I guess this means war.

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