3. Maybe I'm going a little crazy.

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Jasmines house

I pulled up infront of Jasmine's house, the daggers still on my belt in case something decides to jump out at me again. I got out of the car and headed for the party. I walked into the house and saw all the different costumes people were wearing. I walked through the crowed of people until I was pulled aside. "Hunter, hey, what are you doing here?" I realised it was Freya. "Freya! Something's happened. My dad is missing and I was attacked by something, I don't know what it was, but it wasn't human," I explained. "For some reason, I believe you. I've been seeing... I've...I've been seeing spirits Hunter, they've been haunting me for a while now," said Freya. "Look,  we need to get out of here, because I feel like something bad is going to happen." I said. She nodded and we went looking for Chris. We searched and searched and finally found him making out with Kerry in the backyard. "Uhmm, Chris, buddy, we need to leave, now." I said. He pulled away from the kiss, "really, you show up and demand I leave when I'm busy. Not cool man, " he replied. "It's cool, Chris. You've got my number, call me sometime, your friends need you," said Kerry. "Thank you so much Kerry," I said. She smiled and walked away. "What's Up?"
"Well, my dad's missing, I fought a monster and Freya, sees ghosts." I summarised.
He looked at us confused and then shook his head, "No. I refuse to believe this nonsense. You guys really need to gro-" he was cut off by a screech. We looked up and saw another creature, the same one that attacked me earlier. "Oh no, not again." I said. "What is that?" Asked Freya. "That's the creature that attacked me, except this one is alive." I replied. The creature darted forward and lunged for us. I pushed chris out of the way, unsheathed the dagger and when the creature landed, I thrust the dagger into its chest and it disintegrated. "Wha-wha What was that?"
"That's what we've been trying to tell you, we need to leave now" I said and we ran inside and out the front door. When we reached the front yard, there were more creatures waiting for us. We ducked behind the people taking videos and pictures and got into my car and drove away. "What the hell! Guys, what's going on?" Asked chris. "That's what we are going to figure out," I replied.

We drove in silence for a while before Chris broke it. "So, Hunter. Where did you learn to fight like that?"
"I didn't fight, I just plunged a dagger straight through its chest, that's all," I replied.
"Dude. I'm not dumb. I know a fighting stance when I see one, and the one you did when you killed that thing, I recognize." He said. I looked at him through the rear view mirror. "My dad taught me. I was five when we started training. He told me that I'm never too young to learn how to protect myself," I answered. They stared at me for a while. "Do you think, maybe, your dad is involved in this other world that we just experienced tonight?" He asked. "I do, actually. There's no reason a creature is just going to attack me because it wants to. I also think that they took my dad. Why? I don't know." I explained. "Well, whatever it is, we wi-" Freya was cut off by me hitting dead brakes. "What the hell!" She exclaimed. I kept my eyes on the figures in front of me. Freya and Chris both looked up and gasped at the creatures standing in front of us. "Uhmm, Hunter. You got any ideas?" She asked. "Well I would ram them with the car, but I'm sure we don't want to end up walking with more of these things out there, since they are made of lime armour," I explained. "Well then, what are you going to do?" Asked Chris. "I'm going out there and I'm going to kick ass," I said as I opened the door and got out. "Don't be stupid man! Those things will tear you apart!" Chris exclaimed. I turned to face him and said, "have a little faith, I have a guardian angel watching over me. Especially if I survived two of their attacks," I said. I closed the car door and walked in front of the car, unsheathing the daggers.

The creatures roared and ran towards me. I darted forward, ducking under the first swing and plunging the dagger into one of the creature's chest, disintegrating it. I swung the dagger towards another creature,  but it ducked and launched its fist into my stomach, causing me to tumble onto the floor.  The creature stalked towards me but was distracted by the flash of lightning. I took that to my advantage, kicked up and lunged for the creature. I nearly had it, but it moved just in time. I landed on one knee and I twirled my arm around, slicing the creature on its ankle, or what passes for its ankles and it fell down on one knee. I jumped up and brought the dagger down through its back and it disintegrated. I turned around and was met by a fist connecting with my face, sending me flying through the air. I landed with a thud on the concrete and immediately went dizzy. The creatures ran towards me, I shook off the dizziness and jumped up. I dodged a blow to the head, but was met with a foot connecting to my chest and I was thrown against a car. I regained my stance, but started feeling dizzy from the kick. I knew I wasn't going to make it, so I just stood and watched the creatures descend upon me. I thought it was the end of me, when suddenly one of the creatures disintegrated. I looked through the rain and saw three figures fighting the creatures. Their movements were fluid and graceful and their weapons resembled mine. One by one the creatures fell, not landing any hits on the warriors. Two of the creatures crept out of the battle and headed towards me. I gripped the daggers and headed into battle.

The first creature lashed it's claws out at me,  but I blocked it, connecting my foot with its chest, causing it to stumble. I bent slightly and twirled my arm, slashing the other creature across its abdomen. The other creature darted towards me and lashed out its claws, but I dodged it, doing a butterfly twist and bringing the dagger down into its chest. One down, one to go. I turned to face the last one, it's mouth dripping thick with saliva. It ran towards me. I bent down and swiped my foot. It was running too fast to maneuver over my leg and I tripped it. It hit the ground and I spun around bringing the dagger down into its chest and it disintegrated. I stayed in my kneeling position for a while, letting the rain fall on every inch of my body. I realised that the mysterious warriors were still here and got up, turning to face them. They were staring at me, with serious looks on their faces. Even through the rain, I could make out their features. The boys were wearing black pants and a black vest that resembled a bullet-proof vest, only more comfortable and stylish, with combat boots. The girl was wearing a really short pair of black shorts with fish net stockings and a black crop top with a black leather jacket and a pair of black heels.

"You fight good, needs work, but you're good." The tallest of the two boys said. The car doors opened, and Freya and Chris ran towards me. "Hunter! Are you okay?" They asked. I nodded and turned back to the warriors. "Who are you guys?" I asked. "My name's Dane, this is Gabby and Tyler. We were sent to retrieve you by the elders. It's time you find out who you really are," Dane explained. I just stared at them and thought to myself, maybe I'm going a little crazy.

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