9. close call

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Vegas, Nevada; Marius and Kaiyas' safe house.

Freya and I ran until we saw the large building that was Marius' and Kaiyas' safe house. "Okay, wait here. I'll take care of the guards," I told Freya, and she nodded. I stalked towards the two guards and noticed they weren't human. I unsheathed my daggers, and when I was close enough, I lunged out of the dusty air bringing my dagger down into one of the creatures' chests. The other creature lunged for me, but I shot back into the kick up position and launched myself back up, my feet connecting with the lunging creatures' chest. The creature flew a solid eight feet away from me. I picked up the dagger and threw it towards the creature. Before it could signal, the dagger landed right in its chest, and it disintegrated. I picked up the dagger and sheathed it, signaling for Freya to come over. "Okay, I will never get tired of watching you kick butt like that. Seriously, you're awesome, " she says excitedly. "Thanks, sweetie. Now let's go kick some more butt together."

"Wait. There's surveillance cameras. There's no way we can get past them, let alone one," Freya explains. "I know, that's why I've been doing a little magical reading of my own. I got a spell that could shut off all the cameras. The picture of the surveillance screens will still run, but it will stay blank. This will give us enough time since most of the demons and creatures cannot see outside of the surveillance room thanks to no windows. They won't know who's supposed to be walking where," I explained to Freya. She nodded and asked for the spell. I reach into my pocket and pull out a piece of paper. I unfold it and hand it to her. Freya takes the paper, looks at the spell, folds the paper, and pockets it. She closes her eyes, her breathing goes steady, and she says , "veerum." I look up to the camera and see it has stopped rotating, and the red light was off. I smiled at her and gave her a big hug, "It's so awesome to have a witch on the team, especially if it's my best friend," I say. She hugs me back and smiles and replies, "Well, what would you do without me, regardless of having magic." I chuckle and say, "True." We pull out of the hug and stare at the door. "You ready?" I ask her. "Oh yeah," she replies.

Slowly, we opened the door and peak inside down the hallways, but there was nobody, so we crept through it and shut the door. "Why do I get the feeling this is a trap? Like they knew we'd be coming, " Freya asks. "That's because it is a trap, and they did know.  But what they didn't expect is that there'd be a witch with me," I reply. "Freya,  do you know any offensive spells?" I ask. "Yes I do, my first week of training. I only did offensive and defensive spells," she answered. "Good, because we're gonna need them," I say as we round the corner and come face to face with three Brax demons. "How did you know?" She asked me. "I have the sixth sense of danger, remember?" I say. The demons charge for us, so I unsheathe the sword and head towards them. The first one lunged, with its claws reaching out to grab me, so I fall down on both knees, doing a rock slide, launching the sword upwards into the creatures chest, dragging it right down, disintegrating it. Freya raises her hands and mouths her spell, "Geas mavertu veet," and the two remaining creatures instantly disintegrate. "Nice work," I tell her with a smile. "Yeah, but that spell takes a lot of energy, even for a witch as powerful as me. I won't be using it again anytime soon, " she says as she tries to keep her balance, a little disorientated by the spell. I walked up to her, and she held her hand up, I nodded, and we continued walking.

We walk the rest of the way, disintegrating creature after creature, until we reach the cells. "Well, this might take some time,"I say. "Not quite," Freya says as she mutters a spell, and a line of fire starts spreading down the passage, lighting it up. "Only you and I can see it. It lights up our path and leads us to our desired target, which is your father," she explains. I nod, and we follow the fire path down the passage. We passed many people, either dead, alive, or barely alive. My hopes started dwindling because we were getting closer to the end, and we never found my dad. Suddenly, the fire got brighter and shot higher. "He's here," Freya explained. I ran towards the cell and looked inside. I immediately saw my father, sitting against the wall, his head on his arms, which were resting on his bent knees. "Dad! Dad! It's me, Hunter," I say. He looks up, trying to adjust his eyes in the dark because the fire spell hasn't been cast for him to see. "I hope that this is my mind playing tricks on me, and my son really isn't here to rescue me," he says, as he gets up, still holding the wall. "Yeah, well, when a father is all I got because my mother was killed by some ruthless angel-demon hybrid, I'm going to go through any length to save him," I replied. "Okay, let's get you out of here,"Freya says. She stares at the lock, and it suddenly unlocks. I push inside and run to my dad, crashing into his arms. "I'm so glad you're okay. I don't know what I would have done if I lost you," I say, tears threatening to release. "I'm not going anywhere, anytime soon, champ," he replies, kissing my forehead. We break the embrace, and I look at the restraints on his hands. "Freya, you think you can unlock these?" I ask. She nods her head and focuses on the shackles ,"clauditus," and the shackles come crashing to the ground. "I was wondering when you'd figure out your true destiny Freya and man am I glad you did," my dad retorts. Freya just chuckles and says, "It's a pleasure, Mr Cross."

"Okay, we need to go," I say, and they both nod. Freya enables the fire spell so that my dad can see it as well. We make it pass every hallway without any trouble, except the one leading the exit. We stopped dead in our tracks when we saw who it was blocking our way.

"Leaving without a goodbye, Mic. That's not good manners for a house guest," Marius says. "Well, the service really sucked and the owners are real assholes so I'd rather take my company somewhere else," my dad replies. "And you must be Hunter, the infamous arch-nephilim everyone in the supernatural world is talking about. How delightful to meet you," Marius changes subject. "Wish I could say the same," I reply. "Like father, like son. Well, since you guys want to leave, I won't stop you," he says, stepping against the wall, his hand waving to the door. "Yeah, right, like we falling for that," Freya remarks. "Please, I'm serious," he says. We start for the door, but out of nowhere, a fist connects with my jaw, sending me flying into the wall. "I said I wouldn't stop yous, I didn't say anything about Kaiyas," he remarks with an evil smile. My dad swings out his fist towards Kaiyas, but he ducks and hits dad in the stomach, sending him flying back as well. Freya stares raises both her hands, pointing it at Kaiyas and Marius.  "Caelum," she shouts, and both men go flying through the air. I run and help my dad up, and we make a run for the door. Before we reached the door, Kaiyas was already standing in front of it. I run towards him, my daggers ready in my hand. Kaiyas takes out his sword and stands at the ready. When I reach him, I do a round house kick, which he blocks, and counters with a right jab to the stomach, making me double over. I shrug off the pain and kick up, ready to go again. Kaiyas swings his sword my way, but I dodge it, and butterfly twist and kicked him right in the chest, sending him flying into the wall. "Come one," I scream at my dad and Freya. We run outside the bunker and find Marius and some Brax demons standing over the others, who had their hands restrained behind their backs, and they're on their knees. "Now tell me something Hunter, do I kill your boyfriend first or last?" Marius asks, grabbing a fist full of his hair, yanking it back and putting a dagger to his throat. "Let them go," I demand, feeling the power of dominance flowing through me.

"Ah. You really do have the dominance flare, just like your grandfather, " Marius says. I will more power to flow through my stare, and in that instant, Marius smile fades, and a serious look crosses his face. "Stop that, now! You will not make me bend to your will, not like your grandfather did. I refuse!" He shouted, but I kept pouring out the power until he sunk to his knees. "Quickly, free them," I tell my dad and Freya. They run and free the others from their restraints. I hurry over to Dane and embrace him, letting the comfort of knowing his safe run through me.
I pull away and look over at Chris and ask him to open a portal back home before the power wares off.

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