14. A visit from Michael

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The Institute
Time jump: 4 months later.

Four months have passed and we've been training non-stop, with only lunch, supper, and bedtime as our breaks. Dane and I managed to sneak some time here and there, but mostly during the night. After mine and his birthdays, he has decided to move into my room. We've only been together for three months and two weeks. I asked him if it wasn't a little too early, but he reminded me that we might not even make it past this year, so why not speed things up a little. I agreed, and now we stay in the same room, stealing most of our free time to get somewhat intimate. Chris and Gabby have been going strong as well
They've been going out for the same amount of time as Dane and I, well more or less. Theo and my dad have been trying to regain my dad's nephilim side back, but they still haven't found a way. Tyler's been crafting new weapons for everyone with the help of Freya. She's been boosting the angelic powers in them by drawing from the blood of Sabriel. Hopefully, the angel isn't too mad, I mean, it's for a good cause. I feel like Tyler and Freya are securely hiding a relationship, I mean, I don't want to jump to conclusions, but I'm never wrong about this.

"Again!" Dane shouts. We're in the training room, we've been paired up, and Dane has been training us, which would work if I didn't put him down as much as I did. He gets back up off the floor and gets back into his stance. He runs towards me and does a spinning heel kick, which I block and thrust out my leg, hitting the back of Dane's knee, causing him to kneel. I twist my leg around his kneck and fall forward, bringing him over with my leg pinning him down. After a few seconds of struggling, he taps, and I let him go. "Okay, everyone, that's enough for today, I think we deserve the rest of the day off," he says, and everyone cheers. "You've really improved a lot. First, I could at least land a few hits, but now you're much more observant," he explains, before walking towards me and crushing his lips against mine. For the first time in four months, this was the best kiss I've ever received. It wasn't rushed or cut short. It was real, slow, and passionate, something I've dearly missed. "Wow. Here I thought I'd never get a kiss like that ever again," I say sarcastically. He smiles and answers, "Me too, considering we have a war on our hands." I nod my head in approval of his statement. "How about we go grab a bite to eat at the diner, I'm really tired of institute food," I say, and he nods. "Let's just go shower up, change, then we can go," he says, and we make our way up to our room. We showered, got dressed, and told the others we were going out for a while and left.

We arrive at the diner and find ourselves a table. "Hi. My name is Layla and I'll be your waiter for the evening. Anything to drink?" Our waiter asks. She's very beautiful, if I must say so myself. Her red hair, blue eyes, and amazing build, she should be a supermodel. "Yeah, we'll have two choco-gum shakes and to eat, two double bacon and cheese burgers and large fries, please," Dane ordered. She nods and walks off with our orders. "This is so relaxing. I never thought I'd see this place for a long time," I say. "I hear ya. Training was driving me insane, especially the part where my boyfriend keeps kicking my ass," he says with a fake look of disapproval. "Hey, there was that one time you pinned me to the floor. TWICE," I say. "Yeah, that was FOUR months ago. Now, four months later, I have bruises from less pleasurable things," he says with a naughty smile. "How's about I give you bruises in a pleasurable way when we get back to the institute," I say with a grin. "That's an offer I cannot refuse he says and leans over the table and kisses me gently. About 10 minutes later, our food and drinks arrive, and we eat ravenously, not caring about other people. When we were done, we paid the bill and gave Layla the tip she deserves for her awesome service and left.

"It's such a beautiful evening, don't you think?" I ask Dane. "It's only beautiful because I'm here with you,"he says, and I role my eyes at his cliché response. He grins and kisses my forehead and takes my hand in his. Suddenly, we hear a scream and look at each other, in a bit of annoyance since we wanted a peaceful night, and raced to find out where it was coming from. It didn't take us long though, because when we reached the park, we saw a couple of demons trying to kidnap a woman, but her husband or boyfriend or friend kept pushing them back, making it harder for them to reach her. We raced towards them and drew our daggers that we keep in case of emergencies. When we reached them, I front flipped over the couple, right in front of the demons. Not wasting any time I brought the dagger into one of the demons' chests, and it disintegrated. "Get out of here now!" Dane told the couple. They nodded and ran off while we faced the demons. A demon lunged at me, but I back flipped out of the way. When it landed, it launched its fist at me and caught me in the chest, causing me to fly back a few feet. I quickly kicked up and blocked another chest attack, twisting the demons arm and bringing its head down on my knee. I released its arm and swung the dagger, burying it in the demons chest and watching it disintegrate. "These demons are stronger than the ones before," I yell. "You can say that again," Dane says as he kills another demon. Just then, a portal opens, and more demons come through. "Well, this is not good," I say. "You don't say," Dane replies, still looking at the demon army before us. The demons started to descend upon us, but then a white light shone, and most of them disintegrated, while others huddled back. I looked up to see where the light was coming from and what I saw, I couldn't believe.

Landing gracefully in front of us was a figure who wore a black leather jacket, black shirt, black jeans, and black combat boots. Oh yeah, and he had WINGS! The demons seemed to recognise the figure, and they disappeared back into their portal. The figure then turned around, and my eyes widened. It was Michael.
"Someone has kidnapped your father. We have to go," he says. As the words leave his mouth, I couldn't believe it.
I just got him back.

Guys, I have updated some chapters from here on out to make up for the confusion of Hunter's dad's  kidnapping. Thanks, and sorry

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