15. Some good news please

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The Institute

After taking time to register that Michael had just showed himself and the news about my dad, he demanded we head back to the institute before more of those demons come back, with some friends. When we arrived at the institute, people stared as though we brought in a celebrity, but seeing as it is Michael, An archangel angel, he is considered a celeb in the supernatural world. "Where's Theo?" Michale asked. "In the meeting chambers, with the other elders," I replied. He nodded and we made our way towards the meeting chambers. I looked over at the Dane and saw that he had a sort of worried look on his face. "Hey. What wrong?" I asked him, taking his hand in mine. "Everytime a angel arrives, there's huge trouble. That's what Theo always says," he answeres looking at me with the same expression. Then it registered, "are worried that this news involves Me?" I asked. He just nodded his head and I could see tears starting to form, but he was straining then, holding it in. "I just can't lose you, I can't even bare the thought. I mean I just got you, you can't leave me," he said as tears started to fall. My eyes instantly started tearing and tears escaped. "Hey, hey. Don't worry, I'm not going anywhere. I'm gonna stay right here, with you, with Tyler, Freya, Chris, Gabby. I ain't going anywhere," I said as I kissed his hand. He nodded and kissed my forehead and we made our way to the others.

When we got the meeting room, everyone's heads turned towards Dane and I. "Please, no comments," I said sarcastically, which Gabby and Chris silently giggled at. "Now that you're here, we can speak," Michael said. "What's the problem Michael?" Theo asked. "You remember the prison I put Clark in when I found Him?" Michael asked Theo. Theo nodded his head and Michael continued, "Well it was infiltrated and most of the inmates escaped, especially the greater demon that made Clark ." As soon as the words left Michaels mouth, I found myself getting angry. Dane placed his hand over mine and I started calming down. "Gabriel was wounded badly due to the amount of demons that attacked the place. We believe that Clark's first priority will be to finish off what he started, killing Mic and Hunter. That's if we can find Mic in time." If Clark was coming my way, then he'd sure be running towards his death. I'm going to find my dad and we're going to take him down. "Let him come. I promise he won't be going back alive," I said and everyone looked at me with shocked expressions due to my sudden display of bravery. "As trained as you are, you are no match for Clark," Michael said. "Neither was I ready for a Brax demon, but that didn't stop me from driving a sword through its chest," I replied. "The difference between a Brax demons and Clark, is the fact that Clark is both angel and demon," Michael said. I forgot about that. "Well, call me stupid, but my daddy didn't raise no coward, if it's a fight he wants, it's a fight he'll get," I said and walked out of the room.

I walked out of the front door of the institute and straight towards the forest behind the institute. I can't believe everyone thinks I can't take this guy down. I mean sure he has both demon and angelic blood, but I sure as hell know I can take him. I continued walking through the the woods until I heard a loud, ear-piercing scream. I covered my ears and tried to see where the scream came from, but what I saw was a tree landing just a few feet away from me. I ran towards the spot where the tree was still half rooted, only to find a girl-wearing a black skirt, pink crop top, a black leather jacket and black combat boots- fighting off demons. She seemed to be holding her own pretty good but there were too many demons. I drew my sword and charged towards them. I drove the sword through the remaining two demons, disintegrating them, and turned around to help the girl stand up. "Are you Okay?" I asked her. "Yeah, thanks," she replied. "We have to go before more....of.....them......appear," I slurred my sentence as three more demons actually appeared. "Come on. We gotta run," I said taking her hand. "No," she replied and pulled out of my grip. "We'll only be leading them to where we going, we need to deal with them," she said walking a few steps forward. "Don't be bra-" I was cut off by the same ear- piercing scream from earlier. I looked up and saw that it was the girl that was producing this scream, only this time I saw what happened when she did. As she screamed, the demons flew into the air as if they were caught in a strong blast of wind. I was bewildered at the sight before me, but my Hunter instincts kicked in and raced towards the demons, ending them. I disintegrated them in their unconscious state and turned back to the girl.

"What. Was. That?" I asked her. "It's something I was able to do for a while now. It started when I left for home from karate practice. I just got my third degree black belt that day. When I walked passed the ally I was pulled in by a group of drunkards. I tried fighting them off but the one guys grip was inhumanly strong. Then the other one pulled a knife on me and transformed into a hedious creature. When he got closer, I screamed and he went flying through the air, landing on his own dagger, killing himself. The guy that was holding me retreated and I was left bewildered in the ally, thinking about what happened. So for days after that I found myself an abandoned area underground, under an old cotton plantation and I practiced producing my scream there," she explained, captivating me. Once I snapped out of it, I spoke back, "I've heard that tone of your scream before, like a waili........ a banshee, that's where I heard it. Your scream sounds like a banshees," I said excitedly. "That's because she one," a new voice said. I turned around to see that the voice belonged to Michael. "What!? I'm a banshee?" She asks. "Yes you are. Because banshees can sense the death of someone, they were used as slaves to other underworlders in the past. But one banshee retaliated, killing her slave master and soon many other others followed suit after hearing the news. The banshees were then hunted and killed, even those who never betrayed their masters. But then one banshee made a deal with a warlock, if he could give banshees a weapon to protect themselves, she would be under his command for an entire decade. The warlock refused her offer but none the less granted her wish. He used a spell which amplified her scream one hundred fold, causing it to act like a telekinetic frequency wave. Though the spell worked too well as some banshees trained their voices and could disintegrate their target if they use the correct pitch. But even with this gift, banshees were still killed off and massacred. Today there are very few but they decide to suppress their gifts until such time when they haven't used it at all, it fades away." Michael explained this history to us. "Okay, so those creatures wanted to kill me because of the danger I am?" She asked. "Yes. You could disintegrate them with only your voice. An upside to all this is that when you scream, you never run out of breath. The downside, everything wants to kill you," Michael explained.

"The she should stay with us at the institute, maybe train and help us, I mean she's already a third degree black belt, a few more training lessons on killing demons and she could very well be an amazing asset to us," I explained to Michael. He looked at me and for a moment I saw a glimmer in his eyes, something between a cross of happiness and sadness. He then nodded and we walked back to the institute. "So where are we going?" She asked. "To the institute," I said . "What's the institute?" "It's a place where nephilim are brought to train and learn how to save the world from underworlders who break the treaty and accords," I explained. "Wait. So you're like have angel blood in your system?" She asked. "Yes. And dominatingly this is ,you grandfather, " I said as I pointed to Michael. "Who is he?" "That, my dear, is the arch angels Michael," I said and her expression changed to surprise. "No. Way! Michael is your grandfather? That's so cool," she exclaimed. "Yeah well, I should share your sentiment but even he has faults that he needs to fix before we can try to connect," I said and her excited expression fell. "Celestial family fued huh? I like it," she said with a wicked grin and I chuckled. "Hey I didn't get your name," I told her. "My names Paige," she said. "Hunter," I replied and we walked the rest of the way back to the institute explaining things about the supernatural world to Paige.

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