Chapter four.Emerald eyes

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*Lunars Pov*

"Fuck."I whispered to myself.My alarm clock went off a minute after my eyes fluttered open.I turned to the side,slamming the alarm clocks button.As soon as it stopped, I stirred out of my bed and slowly finished awakening.As I climbed out of bed, I yawned and felt my knotted mess I called hair."Absolutely disgusting."I murmured to myself.Considering it was only 5:30 AM I decided to take a shower.Tip toeing out of my large room, I stepped forward and entered the dim bathroom. My fingers flicked on the lightswitch and I closed the door and went right to the bathroom closet.Soon after I found a towel I turned on the hot water and entered the shower.I let my thoughts slowly consume my head as I rubbed my hair full of shampoo.Today was the first day I would be attending my new school,"Redwood High".I was NOT looking forward to it.Infact, I was absolutely dredding it.I slid my dark cherry red locks under the showerhead as I scrubbed it fully.After conditioning it, I slid out and rubbed down my body.My eyes were more intrigued with how smooth my skin was.It was awkward to be a fourteen year old girl that had baby smooth skin.After thoroughly cleansing my body my eyes drifted towards the door as I dragged my naked body back to my room.Scanning through the dresser, I decided on my lucky pure blue hoodie and a pair of black jeans along sliding on white socks and a couple of band bracelets.After blow drying my hair and brushing the tangled knots out I decided to rip a couple holes in my jeans which looked awesome as shit.I finally decided to check the time and realized it was 6:20 AM."Great.School starts in an hour."I thought to myself as I decided on walking to school.I quickly scratched behind the ears of my black cat before taking a cigarette break behind the back of my house.My breath lingered of tobacco and I absolutely could not have anyone smelling it.So I tossed in a piece of mint gum and set on my way to school.Normally you'd think that a fourteen year old girl would say her farewells to her parents but it's not like that for me.All my parents really care about is there work.So I decided against waking them and just took off.Upon entering the large building was honestly terrifying.But I kept my head up and headed straight to the office.After explaining my presence to the curious secretary I was soon called into the principals office.

"Good morning lunar.It's a pleasure to have you at redwood high.You will recieve a textbook in every class today.But you won't be starting your regular schedual until tomorrow.There will be a student showing you around the school today, and I advise you to be polite.His name is Jackson evermore.We wouldn't want you getting in trouble on your first day at school,would we?"He smiled brightly.

I smiled fakely.God did this douche ever stop talking?He goes on and on and on, and I could barely ask a damn question.I scoffed eagerly, not caring of he heard me or not.It didn't really matter and I could care less with first impressions.But this boy he was talking about. I was curious about this boy.Considering I only figured out his name, I was a little curious as to what his appearance and personality was like.After a couple minutes,there was a quiet knock on the door before a small male appeared behind me.As I took a small glance, My face lit up a little as I stared at him. His eyes.His face.Every trait about him seemed so feminine, so perfect.The boy was about 5'1 and really skinny.His appearance seemed more casual then anything else.He wore a plain red jumper with a white collared shirt underneath, a pair of dark blue skinny jeans,red converses,and square glasses that decorated his face.His hair was about neck length,and he had a dark brown color to it.His eyes shone through the glasses,as they were emerald.I must have been staring for a while because my daze was slowly snapped away by the clearing of a throat.

"Lunar, this is jackson.The young man I was telling you about.He has most of his classes with you,and he'll be touring you around the school.Jackson I expect you to take her down every wing,the lunch room,the auditorium,all the classrooms,the gym, and every si ngle crook of the school.Do I make myself clear?"

"Yes Mr.Lenard."The boy squeaked out, tossing him a smile that was clearly out of spite.I arose from my spot across from the principal and followed the boy out of the office.

This was a fantastic start of my day.

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