Part 8 😒

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I drive home in silence. All i keep thinking is " what the fuck. How ? ". Followed by : what am i going to do ? What am i going to say to Julian? What about school? I don't want to be another statistic. Another young girl getting pregnant and dropping out. I text ivy " SOS I'm 5 mins away. I need you alone". She never questions anything. She replied "see you when you get here". I don't think she will be disappointed rather happy but I'm just at a loss for words myself. I walk in the door & put my keys on the table next to it and soon as my keys make a sound shes running in the living room to make sure I'm okay. " what did you do?" She looks a little worried. I fall to my knees sobbing. " the doctor called me" i manage to get out. " well, what they say??" I look that her & try to speak but just cant. She says " Mya answer me now. Is it cancer?"  I shake my head no. " well what the hell is it. We know your not pregnant so what else could it be?"  I take a deep breath before i let out " i guess the stick was wrong. I am pregnant". She looks at me 😳 " whaaaaat ? How? You haven't missed a period! You're on birth control! How does this happen?"  I told her i didn't even stick on the line to get info. I reassured her i was going to call them back tomorrow and get more info but the thing that is stumping me more than most is what do i say to Julian?  She looks more worried than me. Im not sure why but i send him a message that i need to see him tonight. He replies " come over ". I get in my car & read the lines in my head over an dover again. I step foot in front of his dorm door & think to myself " here goes nothing" 😒. I walk in & his dorm is spotless which is rare cause I definitely do the cleaning but he probably figured he'd give me a break. He can tell I'm off. Before he even got whats wrong out i blurted " Julian I'm pregnant " out & he looked like he just lost his puppy. He looked at me & asked " well what are we doing?" I told him i wasn't sure. He proceeded to reassure me that me that he wasn't going anywhere & that i wasn't alone at all. Those words settled my now upset stomach. I ran to the bathroom to throw up. Well i guess its " morning sickness". He says we can skip class tomorrow & spend the day getting answers and making decisions. I like the sound of that.

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