Part 11 😼

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So after crossing my T's and dotting my I's a million times i came to the conclusion that we were keeping the baby. Over the next 2 weeks i realized i want a son and of course he wants a daughter. We are a week shy of entertaining the second trimester and trying to figure out how we will tell our family. My mom will probably be disappointed but she wont be mad for long. His parents on the other hand will be devastated and hate me for ruining their precious sons life. I haven't had a chance to meet his parents yet. We were going to wait until the holidays to properly introduce ourselves. Im more nervous for the criticism that will come from his family than my own. We planned on coming home for a weekend. We each tell our family alone Friday and then Saturday have a meet up if necessary. We have a prenatal appointment on Friday and will get an official date and ultrasound so maybe we will slide on in a card. Im not sure how this is going to work out but it makes me queasy thinking about it. The morning sickness isn't quite gone yet and now I'm always tired. I notice a slip in my grades but i refuse to let a baby determine me graduating on time. I can do it. I wouldn't be the first nor would i be the last. But most importantly my baby hasn't left my side since we agreed to keep our little angel. We pretty much spend every free second together and even are thinking of him giving up his dorm and moving in with me and Ivy. This is gonna be one long journey. A lifetime journey 😘 and to say the least I'm prepares

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 17, 2017 ⏰

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