Part 9 😟

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The next morning i wake up to a queazy stomach & Julian woke up to the sound of me puking my brains out. He came in with a bottle of water and started rubbing my back. It felt good that he wanted to help me. After that was over i went & laid down. I called my doctor and seen if I can get an appointment. " the next opening we have is 11:45 am , do you think you can make it ?"  I was making that appointment no matter what. I proceeded to get dressed and we headed out the door. The drive there was quiet. I think we both were in shock still. We made it to the office and i signed in. The anticipation of waiting for my name to be called got the best of me. I felt dizzy and i just felt weak. I passed out. I woke up to being laid in a bed at the doctors office & Julian sitting next to me holding hands. The nurse told me welcome back & let me know i had fainted so they were gonna send me to a hospital and we were waiting on an ambulance. I needed an I.V , blood tests, & an ultrasound. The paramedics finally show up & i transfer to the closest hospital which is 20 minutes away. After arriving i got set up in a bed right away with IV fluids and my blood being drawn. The only thing I was eager for was the ultrasound. So when the transporter comes and tells me they are ready for me to go to the sonography department i felt weak again. I get down there and get on the bed, lift my shirt up, & let them proceed to put the gel on my stomach. And boom. A little alien. The tech proceeds to do her exam and after about 3 minutes she explains. " this is the baby. This is the amniotic fluid, and my the measurements you are about 8 weeks & 2 days". Im shocked. I've been pregnant for 2 fucking months. I drank and smoked a little. What the hell. Im completely down now. She reassured me everything looks perfect and that i should start scheduling my prenatal appointments. Right about now Julian is looking more confused than i could feel. I ask him if he was okay. He tells me as long as i am. He's so perfect and i wouldn't want to be stuck in this situation wth anyone else.

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