0.1 | i see a half-naked itailan

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❝— and another transfer student, Saiba Sei!❞ Everyone watched as the red-headed girl waltzed her way to the stage. She wore her black chef uniform with the word 'Saiba' embroidered in white thread.

"Ah, good morning everyone!" She said with a cheerful smile, easily making her way to their hearts, just as she planned. "My intentions for this school is making everyone smile with my cooking rather than fighting for the top!" Sei smiles gently. "But you could always challenge me, you know." Suddenly, a deathly aura surrounded her petite figure. "And rest assured that I will win."

"Neh, Nii-chan. She's pretty, right?" Isami questioned his brother with his usual smile. The older twin huffed. "If she only has the looks, but no skill, what's the point of gaining her affections?"

"But, Nii-chan.. She's a transfer student." Isami watched his brother freeze in realization. 'That's right,' he thought, 'for them to transfer here, skipping those three years of basics and gastronomy, they should be good.'

Sei descended the stairs that lead to the private room. Little did she know, her childhood friend and the other transfer student was in there. "YOU'LL NEVER —" Erina stopped shouting at the 'diner boy' as she saw old best friend, Saiba Sei. "SEI!" She was suddenly engulfed in a bone-crushing hug by the blonde, who purposely ignored the questions given by the red head.

"Ericchi! Its been so long," exclaimed Sei with a refreshing smile. Sōma's mouth gaped. 'How could someone as angelic as her, be friend with someone as satanic as Nakiri?!' Gears turned in his head as he thought of possible threats Nakiri gave to the new girl, to make her a friend.

"It was wonderful, Ericchi! I met so much people and experienced so much cooking methods and such!" A cute laugh fell from her mouth. Sōma could only smile at the sight. It wasn't everyday that he saw a beautiful girl, who [one] knew how to cook, [two] was beautiful, and [three] could be friends with Satan herself.

"Anyways, I have to be off! See you later, Ericchi!" The two girls hugged for what felt like forever. The red-head turned her head to the interesting male. "See you later too, Sōmacchi! I can call you that, right?" He nodded only; words couldn't be processed in his head and mind. "Bye bye!"

'Wait, how does she know my name?!'

"Don't you think about taking her affections, Yukihira-kun." He raised his eyebrow at her words. "She isn't called the 'Goddess of Cooking' and the 'Cooking Prodigy' for nothing."

→ time skip ←

"Hm... The Night Dormitory is..." Sei raised her head to find the words 'Night Dormitory' on a huge sign that was hammered to the gate. "I'm here!" She felt excited; anxious; and overly excited! It wasn't everyday that she gets to join school, nonetheless, an elite cooking school!

'The whole dorm is quiet,' she noted, turning her head every few seconds, 'and I can't here anyone.' Suddenly, an ominous aura was behind me. "So you're his kid, huh." Sei yelped; when she turned around, she couldn't believe her eyes. It was the infamous Sakura Fujioka, or also known as the Devil's Angel. Legend says that she used to top the school, and was called "Tōtsuki Tea Ceremony and Cooking Academy's Weapon". Not only did she win competition after competition, but also shokugekis.

Jōichirō told her about all about the 'Devil's Angel's stories, and because of that, the fifteen-year-old respected her. "Good afternoon, Fujioka-sama." Sakura gave her a carefree laugh. "No need for the 'sama' and all, kid. I should be calling you sama." Sei blushed at the compliment.

"Jōichirō-kun already told me about you —" she was relieved with the information. That means that her father didn't forget about her again! "— but since we lack rooms, you'll be sharing with two first-years." She nods eagerly. 'I think I'm going to like it here!' She thought with a big grin.

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