0.8 | i was offered a life-long supply of gelato

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In the warm atmosphere of Italy, in a small café owned by a half-Japanese and Italian man, two students of Tōtsuki were preparing to battle each other. Those two were Saiba Sei, a famous chef known for her works towards pastry, and Aldini Takumi, one of Italy's finest chefs.

"White suits me," giggled Sei, twirling in her clothes. Takumi blushed and averted his gaze towards the stage. It's been a dream of his to watch Sei perform in a shokugeki, but he didn't expect that he would be her opponent.

As soon as Aldo said "Uno", both of them went off to work. Takumi's gaze went to Sei. Her bangs shadowed her eyes, so he couldn't see her golden orbs. He was distracted for a moment because right in front of him, art was displayed.

Time quickly went on — an hour, maybe? He wasn't so sure, but he knew Italy well enough to know what food they would be willing to eat. It was time tor merenda.

The blonde didn't notice what Sei was cooking, but he knew it was delicious. He could smell her cooking all the way from his station. "And time!" Aldo yelled, banging his fist to the table. He noticed Sei frowning at the announcement, but her work was already finished.

Her soft red hair covered her eyes, and she smirked. "Takucchi, do you want to go first?" It was as if she was taunting him. The gold-eyed girl held a certain tone as if she knew she was going to win. "Or should I?"

Takumi shook his head, allowing the confidence to overtake him. "I'll go first," he affirmed, presenting his dish on Aldo's table. The half-Japanese and Italian man sat in the middle with an unreadable expression. There was a lady wearing a flowy dress on his left, and a man wearing a tuxedo sat on his right. "Lardo di Colonnata," he introduced, giving a wink to one of his many fangirls, who screamed in response.

The judging was incredibly fast. He was given a nine by Aldo, a nine from the lady, and an eight from the other man. 'Twenty-six,' he thought, tapping his fingers. Tamaki glanced back at the red-head who was watching him intensely.

"We have Saiba Sei next," Aldo announced just after translating. She strutted to the judges and smiled at each and every one of them. Everyone gasped at her dish—two pieces of spread with chocolate spread and warm milk and coffee.

"Aw," she pouted, as if she was displeased with everybody's reactions, "you haven't even tasted them yet. And I made one for everybody!" A few claps were heard, but they were still gapping at her dish.

"Sei, are you sure about this dish?" Aldo questioned her, positioning the sandwhich near his mouth. The judges did the same, and they all took a bite. Their eyes widened at the exquisite taste. "H-how?" he stuttered, taking in another bite.

Takumi's jaw dropped at what he was hearing. Aldo stood up and quickly glanced at each judge, who nodded. The crowd murmured and whispered with each other; his palms felt sweaty. "The winner is Saiba Sei!" Everyone's eyes widened but proceeded to clap for the prodigy.

"Say, Saiba-san, how did you do that?" Aldo questioned, taking another bite. "The presentation looks plain and ordinary; however, it tastes even better than ever." She grinned and took a small sip of her caramel macchiato, shaking her head softly. "I would tell you, but I'd be giving my first-ever recipe away."

"And it's Alumni approved," she beamed. Takumi's eyes widened at her words but didn't question anything.

Aldo cleared his throat and bowed in a ninetya-degree angle. "It was an honor having you in the kitchen." She smiled warmly and returned his bow, a cute giggle surpassing her lips. Takumi licked his dry lips.

"It was a huge honor cooking for you!" she grinned.

"Saiba." She turned her head and found a man, clad in black, staring at at her with hungry eyes. Those red, hungry eyes, her mind repeated over and over again. She blinked and clenched her fists, ignoring Takumi's worried stare. "That was an excellent dish. Would you mind sharing a few to your amico intimo?"

She bit her lip and tried controlling her breathing. She found herself struggling to breathe. "–SEI-SAN!" Ah, she thought with a tired smile as she fought the urge to cry and lash out, Takucchi. "ARE YOU ALRIGHT?"

"This is a privato matter, Aldini-kun," the scary man said with a fake smile. Takumi reluctantly placed a hand on Sei's shoulder. "Say, you prefer gelato, right? Trade me a recipe—just one, and I'll give you money for a lifetime supply of it." Don't. Don't. It's a trap. Why is he here again? Oh, my god. He's here.

"Sono desolato, sir, but I think you should leave," Aldo stated firmly, glancing at his customers. They all looked worried for the protégée who was somewhat shaking in fear. The strange man just smiled and shook his head, stiffling his laughter. Why is he back?

"I just wanted to visit my figlia, sir. But you're right" — he stood up — "I should be going now. I have to visit someone." Her heart clenched at his words. Was he after her again? she wondered, watching his walk to another street. Her eyes dropped tiredly, trying to force herself to stand still.

Alas, everything went back. Just like that.

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