0.9 | nene decides to murder kuga

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Sei offered them another smile. "Thank you for taking care of me," she said, bowing towards the two Italian chefs. She wore a simple pastel pink sweatshirt, a white denim jacket, and an oversized white pleated skirt. Takumi held her baby blue luggage; he was frowning. "Are you sure you want to go alone, Sei-san?" he questioned, concerned.

"Yes. Thank you for your concern, Takucchi," she giggled, taking her suitcases from both boys. "Thank you for the memories, too, Isami-nii, Takucchi." She pressed a soft kiss on both of their cheeks; the older's cheeks turned bright red. 

The two brothers watched their best friend walk away into the distance. Isami was the first to break the silence. "She made the first move, Nii-chan," he teased, chuckling at the thought. 

"Shut up, Isami!" Takumi hissed, his cheeks reddening even more.


"Do you know why I called you here today, Sei?" Senzaemon asked her, looking through the students' files. She shook her head, glancing at the framed photograph of her and Erina. "Well, I'm here to inform you regarding the Autumn Elections?"

Sei's golden eyes widened at his words. "I got in?" she interrupted, not allowing him to further explain. "YAY! Father would be so proud—"

"No," he sighed, cutting her off. "You are the top qualifier for the Autumn Elections; however, with your abilities, you would be the victor of the elections which is a disadvantage to others." Her eyebrows furrowed. 

"So I won't—"

"A plan was produced by the Elite Ten. You would be the—how should I say this—the boss level of the eight. You would be going against the last four standing—not eight—and you five will compete for the title of the ultimate winner. Yes, this sounds unfair for the rest, but then you joining will almost be, somewhat, a cheat, too," he further explained.

Sei just sat there, processing every word he was saying. She took a deep breath; she nodded, approving the idea. "I accept," she affirmed then exits the room without Senzaemon responding to her statement.

She studies the hallway, biting her lip as his words repeated in her mind. As she was about to exit the building, Senzaemon's secretary called after her. "Saiba-sama! The Elite Ten are requesting for your presence." 

"Of course," the prodigy replied, turning her direction. She followed the secretary in silence. On the newly-painted walls of the main center of the school are photos of the previous Elite Tens and achievements won through the years by the students.

Ah, Kojiro-nii, she thought, smiling at his photograph. He still has his this cocky look in his eyes.

The secretary halted before bowing at the Goddess of Sweets. "Beyond this door is the Elite Ten. They will be explaining what they have in store for you. Have a good day, Saiba-sama." And the unknown secretary left just like that.

The prodigy opened the door to find the ten sitting around a white marble table. "Good morning, Saiba-san," she heard someone say. She locked eyes with a pair of silver ones, and she grinned. Tsukasa Eishi, the First Seat of the school. 

"Good morning to you, too, Eishicchi," she greeted, ignoring the formalities. "Oh, and to everyone else, too!"

"Is she usually like this?" Kuga Terunori asked, placing his head on top of his fist. "Sei-chan, I expected more from you," he pouted.

She looked down at her outfit: a sweatshirt, a pair of black shorts, and black sneakers. "Eh, I was woken up early so I couldn't prepare properly," she said, studying the room for any vacant seats. Apparently there was one beside one of her senpais, Akanegakubo Momo, who specializes in sweet. 

"You may take a seat beside Akanegakubo-san," Eishi said, handing everyone a single file. She looked briefly at Erina. "Alright, now that Saiba-san is present—"

"Sei's fine for me, Eishicchi," she smiled. 

His pale cheeks brightened due to the lack of formality, but he just shook his head. "Now that Sei-san is present, we may discuss the Autumn Elections." She wasn't a stranger to these types of meetings. She's been to a few with her fellow alumni. She would often find a very scary Hinako during those meetings.

"The whole point of not allowing her to join is to add another chef to participate for the champion title," Eishi said. "This gives the eighth chef a motivation or purpose to beat Saib–Sei-san here." The whole room was quiet for a moment. Sei managed to catch a few words from Momo's paper: "Red Leaf Hunt Convention." 

She didn't comment on that.

"Wouldn't students wonder why she's a special case?"Eizan pointed out, smirking at Sei. She gave him a smirk, too. "I mean, just because she's Saiba Sei—the daughter of the infamous Saiba Joichiro—that she get's special privileges."

"Then I can have a shokugeki with each and every person who said so," Sei defended, an innocent smile forming on her lips. Eishi glanced at everyone, giving each of them (except for Sei) a nod of acknowledgement. 

"It is settled. Saiba Sei shall be the last round of the Autumn Elections for the 92nd Generation."

And no one objected.

Before anyone could start talking, Eishi spoke up once more, "Sei-san, you'll be watching with me during the Elections." Everyone eyed the two; curiousity burning in their eyes. Sei just gave him a smile and nodded.

"Okay, Eishicchi—"

"You can't do that, Tsukasa-senpai! Sei-chan, here, is my ideal wifey! I met her before you, y'know! Tell them, Sei-chan! Tell them!" Kuga urged, jumping from his seat to hers. He hugged her tightly and pouted cutely.

"He did, actually," she giggled, finding this whole situation hilarious. "I was a special guest during the'Hell Camp', and Kugacchi, for some reason, attended my first class. I was able to taste his delicious dish." The whole room suddenly turned cold.

"Terunori-san," Nene started, pushing her glasses to the bridge of her nose. "You dare violate our rules?" And so this is how the rest of the hour passed by: Nene scolding Kuga, who just huffed and pouted as she threw more insults at him.

"Meeting dismissed," Eishi announced tiredly.


"My name is there, too," Ryo pointed out. Sei blinked and proceeded to the two. She smiled at Ryo and engulfed him in a tight hug, complimenting him for making it into the Elections.

"Sei!" Alice shouted happily, taking her friend into her arms. "Are you in it, too? I wanna battle against you and prove that I have indeed improved throughout the years!" Sei chuckled nervously.


"Congratulations, Sei!" Soma said, giving her a tight smile. After his talk with his—their father, he wasn't so sure with how he'll act around her. "You're in the same group as me!" 

She blinked, scanning through the board and found her name on that list. Saiba Sei. The red-head furrowed her eyebrows at that. Whatever, she thought, allowing a small smirk to form on her lips. It's even better if I join.

Asura's daughter scanned through the crowd—some were crying from happiness and sadness, others looked very determine to get in, and a few just stood there, motionless. Akira gave her a nod of acknowledgement; and she smiled at him, giving him a thumbs-up. "Let's go celebrate!"

Everyone cheered at that.

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