0.2 | i meet my best friend's fan club president

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It was finally her first day of school. Takumi made it his job and first priority to make sure that she would have a delicious and light breakfast for her to enjoy. And for Isami too. "Are you excited, Sei-chan?" Isami questions her with a smile on his face, obviously excited. He could see how excited she was since the girl was practically jumping on her seat.

"Yeah!" She exclaimed, a wide grin forming. Her father called the other day to give his annual 'first day of school' talk. Of course, it always ended up with Sei shouting at him early in the morning, thus waking up the timid blonde.

"So, whose your first class with, Sei-chan?"

"Oh, it's Chapelle-sensei," she said in ease. Takumi was about to have a heart attack. 'Chapelle-sensei?!' He remembered his first class with Chapelle-sensei, and it was unpleasant, to say the least.

"I remember seeing him in one of the restaurants my dad was cooking for," she grinned. 'I wonder if he saw me,' she wondered, tilting her head to the side (a cute trait that was one of her 'charms', noted by Aldini Takumi).

"You can easily take him down, Sei-chan," were Isami's words of encouragement. A giggle made its way out of her lips. "Thanks, Isamicchi. I just wonder if he's still grouchy as ever!" Little did she know, Takumi was having a major meltdown in his mind. 'First class isn't with Sei?! And hers is with him?!' He could just faint by that.

"Takucchi?" She sniffed the air. "I think your egg muffins are burning!" Hearing her words, he curses under his breath. "Nii-chan?" He didn't respond. He immediately removes the muffins from the oven. Instead of the golden brown color he wanted, it was brown with bits of gold around the muffins.

"Mi dispiace [1]," he apologized, not daring to look at the girl he has started taken an interest in. "Takucchi..." Her voice was hauntingly hypnotic. You could get entranced by her voice only, and he didn't have a problem with that. Not at all.

,Its my fault, I woke you up too early today," she says, hiding her face as if she was ashamed. Takumi sighs and shakes his head. "No.. Its not your fault, Sei-san," he said softly, as if he was cooing a baby. Her lip quivered. "B-But your muffin got ruined, because you were sleep deprived," she mumbles, staring at the muffin he had prepared for them.

"Nii-chan, this tastes good," his brother said with a big smile.

"But not good enough to surpass Yukihira.."

Sei sighs and stares at the clock. "You know, if we don't hurry, we'll be late." Takumi's eyes widened at the time: seven thirty in the morning. 'We only have thirty minutes left!' He cursed incoherently, hoping that she didn't hear him.

"Isami, Sei-san, I'll go freshen up." And he left, just like that.

Isami chuckles along with the red head. "Nii-chan is being dramatic again," he teased, although the older Aldini wasn't in the kitchen anymore. "And he's being too formal again."

"If Takucchi was here and heard your words, he would have a fit," she laughs with her friend. Even if she had just arrived yesterday, it was as if those three were life long friends.

They were finally walking close to class. As people passed them, they stared at the blonde and young girl, ignoring the brother who served as the 'third wheel', or as Alice calls it. Isami was telling Sei about their fun and lively childhood.

"So you basically managed the Trattoria by yourselves?" She asked in disbelief, a new form of respect rises for the two. "Yeah," Takumi answers coolly, a prideful smirk made its way to his face as Isami continues talking about their accomplishments.

"So, this is where we have to say goodbye," Sei said in a calm tone. Isami chuckles at her poor choice of words. "Don't make it sound like we're never going to be see each other again, Sei-chan," he scolds playfully, sensing that his brother must've been uncomfortable with 'goodbyes'. Of course, his brother hated those.

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