Chapter two: Sam

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He sits alone on a park bench waiting for his phone to go off. Children rush past him, bounding towards the park even he used to play on. He chuckles remembering such times. Finally, after what seemed like an eternity, his phone buzzed with an incoming message from his best friend.
@Benjammin sent 1 second ago
Yo, u doin anything special 2night?

The boy smiles down at his phone. He knows what Ben is going to ask him to do.

@saxysammy replied 1 second ago
Oh, Ben u know I'm not....

Well, wanna meet up 4 food....I'm starvin.

U know it. Where we goin 2night? The usual?

Sure why the hell not u know.

See u there. 🙂

The boy returns his phone to the pocket of his jeans, jumps off of the park bench, and strolls away from it.

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