Chapter 5: Cecilia

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She sits alone in the diner rotating between checking her watch and staring out the window. She looks up and scans the faces briefly before noticing the boy sitting two booths directly in front of her staring at her. He is around her age, with light, sandy brown curls wildly bouncing around his face, his silvery, blue eyes seem to carry as much happiness as the rest of his face does. He smiles and Cecilia feels a smile creep onto her lips before she can stop it. He turns to dig something out of his pocket and she feels a flush creep onto her face. Maybe I should text him to see when he'll be coming. She thinks. On second thought maybe I shouldn't. He'll come. I know he will.

"Hello miss, I'm Cat I'll be your server today what can I get you?" A young girl around her age asks grinning. The other girl, Cat, has brilliantly red hair that sits, currently, atop her head in the messiest of messy buns, her chestnut brown eyes sparkling with joy, so much so that optimism practically radiates off of her.
"Um, just a coffee for now." Cecilia replies Italian accent thick.
"Sure black or with cream." She asks.
"Do you have espresso? I believe that's what you call my kind of coffee here." She requests.
"Woah, your kind of coffee are you an immigrant or something?" The waitress asks astounded.
"Yes I am." Cecilia replies making her accent thicker and more prominent.
"Where did you move from?" She asks.
"I came here from Italy." Cecilia replies.
"Cool I'll go get your espresso. Do you want any food with that?" The waitress Cat asks.
"Not right now I'm waiting for someone." She answers.
"Oh, well I'll come by later and see how you're doing."

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