That's not me

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I am not perfect
I have flaws like everyone else
Do not treat me like I am nothing compared to your own insecure self
I am different
I am weird
Do not treat me like you haven't been there
Haven't seen that kind of weird
Where we don't care if we are loud
If we are proud to be ourselves
Because in a world like this there aren't many of us around
Or at least come out to be ourselves
Whether its your sexuality, personality, or health
And only will you judge me based on my opinion
Whether it be wrong or right
That's wrong because I am a tomboy instead of girly
Wrong because I am a girl and girls can't be manly
Wrong because I do not fit your standards
But oh how I am right
Right to be whoever I want
Wear whatever I want
Fight for whatever I want
Because I am myself and you are yourself
And you will never be me
You will never see what I see
You will never feel what I feel
Think what I think
Has this made sense to you yet?
You will never know what goes on inside of my head
What I feel is what I feel and you have no right to tell me otherwise
You have no right to tell me I am ugly when someone else thinks I am pretty
But you do have a right for opinions like that
You will never know exactly what I deal with
You will never know how much it will ever affect me
Because all you know is based on my looks
On my appearance
On what people have "told" you
But little do you know
That that's not me
That that's not really me

Poems from inside the depths of my headWhere stories live. Discover now