I miss you

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I'm smiling but my heart's aching.
Is this what longing feels like?
My, have I not felt like this for so long.
I feel the urge to cry but I'm happy?
Why, why must I feel this way?
So utterly confused, I stare at the ceiling.
You're beautiful structure comes into mind.
Did I ever tell you I still think of you?
They say once you have your first lover that you'll always love them.
No matter what.
I believed it, then didn't, now I believe I do again.
I miss you. Honestly.
I miss you being there for me and vice versa.
I loved your personality.
I loved you.
I fucked up our friendship.
Now I see you but you're gone it feels like.
A part of me will always love you, mi amor.
I don't have the feeling to kiss you anymore.
To say "I love you" anymore.
I do wish to hug you, even if one last time.
If I die, mi amor, I promise you'll be okay.
Do not forget about me, F.
I will never forget about you.
I wish you the best.
Au revoir or "till we speak again" <3

Poems from inside the depths of my headWhere stories live. Discover now