Chapter Eight

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Arriving at the interviews we're all lined up backstage. We're all in our district order and I feel oddly nervous.
When I get called I hear many various claps and cheers, I don't see why they're cheering I'm an altered disaster.

  I start to walk out, I push all nervousness away I smile flirtatiously I wave and blow kisses. All of which make the people go crazy, when I walk over to the white satin couch where Ceaser is I sit down keeping my posture straight with my smile still bright. "My, my, my! You look absolutely radiant!" Ceaser says marveling at me, I smile and nod. "Why, thank you Ceaser...I always try to look my best," I wink throwing a giggle out there.

  "I believe that, now....lets talk about the was the reaping for you?" I can't tell the truth so I smile.
"I felt very lucky, I mean, to know I am able to bring pride to my means the world to me," I say in the best tone I can manage, Ceaser nods thoughtfully. "I wouldn't expect anything less. Now, let's talk about that score you received the other night, I think I speak for all when I say shock was mounted onto us," I sigh internally, but press my lips together forming another smile.

  "Well, yesterday just wasn't the best day Ceaser but in that arena I promise I'll give it my full ability and do the best I can, I was just...worried," Uh oh, wrong turn really wrong turn. "Oh? About what?" He asks, I need to think quick, what's the best excuse I have?
"Just a boy..." I trail off smiling cheekily with a little laugh, everyone starts to gasp and murmur, yeah totally dug myself a ditch but hey, all lies shall work.

  "Oh, a boy? Who is he?" I gulp, I am definitely not saying any of my allies so...
"Keen, I am worried and concerned about him but rest assured I don't have to be anymore," I say, ok that should have done it but if it doesn't I'm so screwed. "So your saying you like him?" I feel the tension in the room as everyone sits on the edge of their seats.
"Y-Yes" Everyone gasps loosing their minds, wait! I literally just lost mine!


"What the hell?!" I hear Keen shout, I look back and see him approach me angrily. "What?" I ask innocently, "You told them you liked me! You know that's fake as hell!" I roll my eyes, "I'm trying to create an image for us....look what it did for Katniss and Peeta....I'm not saying we'll end up like them but... we'll end up with more sponsors," I say calmly, he stares at me for a moment.

  "Fine, but I will not kiss you!" He says frustrated I roll my eyes as he walks off, ugh is it wrong to hate someone so much?
When he storms off, Damon storms up. "What the hell?! Who told you, you could do that?!" Damon shrieks at me, I sigh. "I'm devising a plan for the both of us...I know what I'm doing," I say, he glares at me.
"Apparently you don't, because now you and Keen will actually have to put on an act we're not prepared for!" He growls, I roll my eyes.

  "Don't worry, he's not gonna like me back....I'll be in my own world while he's in his," I explain, he looks at me and sighs. "Damn it Taylor, you always have make things ten times harder then it has to be," I smile, "Don't worry, I'm only being half difficult today," we walk back into the back stage and watch tributes go by fast and then it goes to the boy from district 12.
"Please welcome Vick Hawthorne!" Everyone claps like crazy and supposedly Vick walks out he's wearing a finely tailored black suit and his brown hair is combed back perfectly.

As he sits down I notice his posture, it looked a lot like what Keen did on stage.
"So, Vick, very eventful night, yeah?" Ceaser asks him, Vick nods putting on a charming smile. "Definitely, honestly I feel as if the competition has became more stiff then it already was," He explains, Ceaser nods.

  "Yes, yes. So, I suppose the reaping was very hard for you....with all your family and everything," I furrow my eyebrows as I stare intently at the screen. "Uh, yeah, it was hard but I tend to win for my brothers and sister no matter what happens," Ceaser gives a smile and everyone is in awe, especially me.

  "Surely if you do win you have a special someone at home, right?" Ceaser wiggles his eyebrows and Vick laughs. "Uh, no, but I have gotten my eye on this girl...she's just to oblivious to realize anything," Everyone makes the see sound and I frown, he has his eye on a girl? Is she from home?
I shake my head free of thoughts, he's coming off as charming and sweet that's his tactic, it works well for him.
"Well, I wish you good luck with this girl and a very happy Hunger Games!" He says, the buzzer buzzes and he gets up leaving into the back where we all are.

  I walk over to the careers who's talking to Keen.
"Aw, look its the lovers," Coal teases, I roll my eyes. "I didn't see you make a plan," I hiss, he laughs. "I'm the plan all by myself sweetheart," He says cockily, I scoff. Lester butts in this time while Aimee sits there looking guilty and then there's Crystal it's better if I not mention anything about that evil thing.

  "Why did you get a seven? I think our little spy is tricking us," I stare at Lester for a moment. "What? I'm tricking you that im from district two and I actually have a plan from the rest of you?! You guys have to be the biggest my pitiful excuse for an ally," I hiss, Lester starts to lunge at me but Coal holds him back.
"Lester! Stop, it's not worth it! Besides, Taylor makes a point instead of judging her we need to start being more alert, and less passively aggressive!" Coal says to us all, we nod.

  Keen grabs me shoulders and pulls me back, "You need to stop provoking people, the last thing you need is for the alliance to break....we all hate something especially them," He whispers in my ear, I sigh and nod. I turn around and meet eyes with Vick, I do the stupidest thing.
I walk over to him, "Vick, I need to talk to you," I say, he raises an eyebrow.
"About what exactly?" He asks curiously I pull him over to a corner. "Who's your allies?" I ask, he gestures towards his district partner.

"Kate, why?" He asks, I shrug. "I know you don't know me well....but, I wanna ally with you and Kate--- I have a plan and I need you and her to play along...will you play along?" I ask nervously, he nods. "Of course we'll be your allies, what kind of plan?" He asks rather anxiously.
"Don't worry, leave it to me...just make sure you and Kate stay hidden, and out of the careers way ok?" He gulps and nods, I walk back over to the careers acting as if nothing happened.

  After a while we're called to go back to our flats, tomorrow is a rest day before the games and honestly I think I'm beyond ready.

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