Chapter Fourteen

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We've been in this arena for nearly a week and so far fourteen have died some would think these deaths are slow that kills are only coming a day at a time, but they feel much faster than that with only ten of us left the pressure is on.

Half the careers are dead, Coal and Crystal-- gone. Lester alive, his tribute partner alive, and me and Keen alive, right now I've decided that I will be moving at night and no sleep until I find Vick, last night when I did rest I heard a cannon then briefly the pictures of the dead.

Kate showed up, then I knew truly that Vick was alone and I needed to find him fast. I feel like I have been walking for forever that is until I hear my name being called, looking around I see nothing but when I look towards the woods I see Vick perched in a tree I smile. "What the hell are you doing up there?" I ask, he laughs, "Swimming, not really though I was waiting for Prince Charming to come but here you are!" He starts to climb down and meets me at the bottom. 

"I'm sorry about Kate," He shrugs, "She ate poisonous berries, I told her not to but of course she never listens to me, um....question where is your shirt?" He asks, I sigh. "Back in a flooded cave, you have no idea what I've been through to get to you," I sigh, the pain in my back has become bearable but it still stings like the devil is residing in the cut. I'm glad my temple has heeled but when I touch it it's like I can feel the blade still there. I shiver, he frowns and gives me his coat. 

"It's to cold out here to be without a shirt," He says I take it but don't put it on, I stare at it sheepishly. "I can't, um, I wouldn't wanna impose" I say, to be honest the material of any clothes on my back hurts the raw skin plus I don't want Vick to overreact he seems like the type. "Nonsense, put it on," I start to put it on and wince in pain, his eyebrows furrow and he walks over removing the jacket putting my cut in full view.

"What happened?" He asks me, "When I defected from my group it wasn't the most subtle way to tell them they were jerks, so I got in a fight with Coal but I'm OK. I think," I reply, he shakes his head. "Hasn't your sponsors sent you anything?" He asks still looking at my back, I shake my head. "I doubt I have any by now, I have been pretty destructive" He sighs, "Let's go, my cave is a little down this way," He says, I nod and walk by his side he wraps an arm around my shoulders I assume he's trying to keep me warm, which he is way warmer then I am anyway I sigh.

"Have you killed anyone?" I ask him, he nods. "One. but I can't tell you who it was, did you kill anyone?" I sigh, "I rather not talk about it," I reply, he nods and doesn't say anything else. We arrive at his cave and we both sit down where a little light shines in at. 

"Where is your boyfriend?" he asks, I shrug. "He's not my boyfriend." I snap, he nods but I have a suspicion he won't be leaving me alone any time soon. "Yeah? What am I supposed to believe you announced it on live TV in front of the entire country!" I groan, " I really don't wanna discuss this," I tell him, he takes a deep  breath in and nods. "Fine, are you hungry?" He asks, I shake my head, "No, not one bit...I am sleepy though I think I'll get some sleep unless you're sleepy?" He shakes his head. "No, go ahead and get some sleep I'll be here when you wake up," I nod, and decide to trust him I mean I did pick him as an ally what worse could happen?

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