Chapter Nineteen

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As we stare at the red eyes the red eyes stare back, slowly Vick lifts be to my feet to make sure we don't pose a threat, but I come to realize that is no's human.

"Vick..." I whisper, I feel him tense then a bone chilling growl rips through the woods and suddenly we're running whatever is chasing after us it is pretty big, when I look back I see a mutated form of...Keen? I gasp, oh my god what happened to him?

I run faster and so does Vick as we run it gets darker by the second and we can't see, I end up tripping over a root when I fall Keen looms over me and I scream, Vick kicks Keen in the face picks me up by the arm and we start to run again. When we start to run again Lester is clear in our vision looking as if he is about to attack Keen, but suddenly he starts to run after us along with Keen so  I look to Vick and he nods. 

I skid to a stop as Vick keeps running, I grab my trident and start to fight both off, except the deranged crazy look in Keen's eyes distract me and I am knocked down I scream when a spear comes close to my face Vick pulls me up and we start running to the cornucopia the snow has started to fall heavily now and it's more harder to get through.

The cornucopia is cleaned out and I really have no idea why we are here, but soon I realize Vick's plan, he turns around with his bow and I turn around with my trident facing Keen, the monster.

Keen growls and I take deeps breaths in as Vick and Lester start to fight, I don't know if I can kill him. He's a mutt Taylor, think about wouldn't be killing Keen you'd be killing a mutt.

Suddenly I find myself reasoned so I look Keen over, sharpened teeth, claws barred, and his eyes begging for blood. "Keen, you don't wanna do this...we're allies remember?" I say pleading he growls in response. "I'm so sorry," I whisper to myself, then I attack the monster he growls biting at my face and I groan as I punch his face multiple times his claws scratch my arm and I scream, now he has me pinned down and I whimper as his thick hot breath touches my face, closing my eyes I wait to be killed. "You love him?" A rough coarse voice asks, opening my eyes I see Keen waiting for an answer and when I just stare he growls.

"No! No! I don't," I say tears stinging my face he grunts satisfied, "Kill him then, and I won't kill you," He says, fear stings me as I look over at his face which has a big cut running down to his neck, I sob. "Let me go!" I sob feeling my heart drop, "Sorry sweetheart, you're all mine," I grab a rock a few inches away and slit his neck blood spews everywhere as he cries out and I push him off and I loom over him just as his eyes start to turn blue again, "Taylor!" He pleas chocking on blood, I don't give him another look as I sink my trident into his chest.

I breath out relieved but then I am tackled, looking at Lester's angered face my eyes widen with fear.

"I knew you killed Coal so now I'm gonna kill you," he hisses, He pulls out a knife and presses it against my throat cutting off air supply. I feel my face turn red and I know I am about to die. But, Vick tackles Lester off of me and I start to cough up blood all while trying to catch my breath. 

I get up on my hands and knees and look over to Vick, who's just pushing a knife into his neck...then..the cannon. 

That's it we're the only two left, I start to sob. I have to kill him, my family.

The family that could have cared less about about me dying, who willingly let them take me. Who didn't shed a tear watching me leave, instead they were so excited to think that I could actually win, the thing is I know I can't. I knew it from the beginning. I was scared the whole games, I manipulated people, I lied...all so....I could keep my family alive.

because....I love the people I hate. 

And now I have to kill my true love for them, there is no right way there is no wrong...there's just President Snow's way.

Vick runs over to me and helps me up hugging me and I hug him back as equally as hard, I sob as my grip on the knife tightens. "It's OK, he's dead..." He whispers, I pull back and kiss him hard as sparks erupt everywhere and I savor how his lips mold onto to mine, how he smells, his chocolate brown eyes, his smile, everything.

I pull away from the kiss sobbing, "I love you so so much," I sob, he looks at me concerned, "What..." He trails off, I raise the knife....

"I love you to," He says breathlessly, I sob harder. Why did he have to make this more difficult? 

I raise the knife more and just as I am about to stab him.......

I turn the knife around....and stab myself.

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