The Present: Part 3- The Police Station

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Recap: Mi, Horace, Millard, Enoch, Emma, and Abe went into the present to find Victor. Automatically they assumed the Victor would go to the new restaurants to try new foods. They were right. Mi and Horace (then we find out Millard was there all along) went to McDonalds. Mi got sidetracked by glorious food and ate stuff. Emma and Abe went to KFC and found out that Victor had stolen food, now the police are going to take them to jail cause they're partially responsible for Victor's actions. Enoch went to Party City, then eventually In and Out where he found the place ruined by Victor's strength. Mi and Horace showed up (w/ Millard but Enoch doesn't know) and the police came.

"Hands up!"

(Also guys, as some of you pointed out, this stuff should've happened a long time ago since Victor and Abe are still alive. So just go along with it, ok? Thanks!)

Mi's POV

I did as I was told. So did Horace and Enoch.

"I didn't do it!" I shouted.

The policeman, who's name tag read R. Smith, looked faintly amused and said,"I never said you did it. Just keep your hands up. It's a formality. Makes us look cool..."

We exchanged glances. Was this guy naturally this calm and relaxed, or is there something wrong with his mind right now, or...? Huh.

"Follow him," said Smith, pointing at the other officer. "He'll take you to the police car,"

He handcuffed us and pushed us into the car. We got into the car and it smelled like grease. The seat leather was peeling and the stuffing was falling out. On the back of the drivers seat was a poster of a stern looking man with the words "We're watching. Always watching," beneath him.

"Who's that?" I asked the officer.

"Our boss, Officer Po," he answered.

Horace nudged me and motioned towards the poster when Smith turned away. What? He rolled his eyes. He nodded at me then the poster. Me then the poster. Me then the poster. Ohhhhh...

"Um, officer Smith?"


"Would you let me use the restroom before we go?"

He turned to the other officer who shrugged. "Okay. Make it quick. Officer Po is on his way,"

I practically ran to the restroom and morphed into a little girl and the handcuffs slid off my wrists. Then I morphed into the picture from the poster. I've become Officer Po. I peeked my head out the door and Millard came up to me. "Mi?"

"Yeah. Distract the officers so they don't think Officer Po was in the ladies room."


Soon enough, I heard yelling coming from In and Out. "Ghost!"

The officers rushed to the restaurant. I ran out of the bathroom and yelled,"What's happening?"

"Officer Po!"

"You guys take care of that and I'll take care of these ones [the peculiars]".

The nodded and ran off.

"Wait! Give me the keys!"

"Oh right!" Officer Smith ran and gave me the keys before entering In and Out.

I unlocked Horace and Enoch and we waited impatiently for Millard. "Come on!" Yelled Millard. "Let's go!"

As we turned to leave the radio in the car said, "We've got 3 teens in the station. One girl, 2 boys. They won't give names either. I repeat. We've got 3 teens: one girl and two boys."

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