Since when were you so Deep?

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Recap of "Secret": Abe told Mi that he was leaving. Mi told Horace. Millard overheard and then Hugh and Fiona and then Enoch. It's not much of a secret anymore.

"Guys, so as you all know Abe is leaving soon. Everyone knew it was going to happen at some point, we just didn't know when. Well, that question has been answered," I said.

"How do you know, Mi?" Asked Hugh. "You do like to joke around a lot,"

"I wouldn't joke about this," I lowered my voice. "He's with Emma right now. Probably telling her. Just remember, we have to be supportive of both. Abe wants to make a difference in the world, and we need to give Emma moral support,"

"Since when were you so deep?" Asked Millard.

"Not the time, Mill,"

---------------- how are you?-----


"What was Mi doing?" Emma asked.

"Um... Well... I'm leaving, Em,"

"What? I don't think I heard you correctly. YOU'RE LEAVING? What about us?? What about the others? We're all a family here, right?"

"Yes, but I don't want to hide anymore. You could come with me! Have you thought about that option yet?"

"But there were hollows and wights when we visited the present, remember?"

"Exactly. What if there are more clueless Peculiars out there right now? They're in danger. I don't know what I would've done without Miss Peregrine, she saved us all. But there might be more kids out there that haven't been saved yet. I can help them!"

It broke my heart to see Emma's eyes fill with tears.

"Abe... I just don't want you to get hurt,"

"I love you, Em. But you won't need to worry. I can see them, you know."

"I know, I know... But what if I don't see you again?"

"I'll visit from time to time," (haha. Get it? Time to time? Hehe)

"But... But,"

"I leave tomorrow. I need to pack."

Emma dashed down the stairs, leaving me alone in my room.

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