Bye, Abe

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Recap of "Since when were you so Deep?": Mi told the others (except Bronwyn, Claire, and Olive) that Abe was leaving. Abe had to tell Emma and she's heartbroken.

Enoch POV

Is it bad that I'm not sad about Abe leaving? Sure, I'm upset that he is making everyone else upset, but me personally, no.

We were gathered at the front door. Most of us were in tears. Emma was trying really hard to keep it together, but it wasn't really working.

Abe gave each of us a hug, even me. He pulled Emma aside.


"Have you thought about it?"

"I can't go, Abe. I'm sorry. I just can't bring myself to do so,"

"I understand. I'll come back for you, I promise. When it's safe out there, I'll come back and being you to a new home," I said. I gave her one last hug before grabbing my suitcase and going out the door.

"Wait!!!!!" Claire yelled. She dashed towards me and handed me a little tin box. "Here are some pictures. Just so that you won't forget us,"

"Don't worry, little one. I promise. I won't forget any of you," I gave her a hug and she ran back to the house.

I waved one more time before leaving. I didn't take a second look.


I can't believe he's really gone. He was like the brother I never had. Emma bolted to her room and we heard a loud SLAM before a yell. We just had to let her grieve.

Miss P looked at us sternly and said, "No one is to bother Miss Bloom for the time being. Alright?"

We nodded and went to the backyard. Sitting down in a circle, we just stared at the green grass, not really knowing what to do.

It was sort of awkward. For the first time in years, nobody had anything to say. Not even Enoch.

Millard spoke up. "Well, we can't grieve about Abe forever,"

"Well, technically we could-"

"Shut up, Hugh. The point is, I think we need to keep living normally. Normally as we can, I mean. If we think about Abe forever, we'll never do anything again," Millard said.

"What's there to do?" Asked Victor. "Even if Abe hadn't left, we'd still be doing the same things over and over again. I want to go out there again,"

Horace was in shock. "Are you insane? Don't you remember that we nearly got killed by a hollow and wight? And we weren't even out there for a whole day! If those monsters can find us that quickly, then- well. No one will survive,"

"You saw a wight and hollow?" Asked a horrified Claire.

"Oh- well- umm,"

"You could've died!" Exclaimed a teary Olive.

"Good job, Horace," I muttered. "Look what you've done,"

Olive and Claire wailed and leaned to Bronwyn for comfort. Everyone glared at Horace who shrugged his shoulders in a helpless manner. Bronwyn took Olive and Claire into the house for cookies while the rest of us thought about what Victor just said.

"Wait," I said. "Victor, you're not going out there again, are you?"

Victor shrugged his shoulders. "No. Not now, at least,"

That was not comforting.

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