I'll Give it a Go

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I drafted this chapter way back in August, but school started and I haven't written anything since. Anyway, sorry for the long delay. Enjoy!

Recap: Mi can morph into Millard. What about a wight? Awkward dinners. They're gonna show Miss P!


Well, that dinner was kinda awkward... Anyway, it's 8 in the morning and today we are going to show Miss P what Millard looks like. And Emma & Enoch too, but that doesn't really matter much. I got out of bed, even before Bronwyn and headed down to the kitchen. Miss P was already there cooking breakfast.

"Good morning, Miss Thomason," she said.

"Good morning, headmistress."

"Did you sleep well?"

"Yes, thank you."

"Can you tell me about the 'special event' we are having today?"

"Oh, well, not yet. But it has to do with something I found out about my peculiarity."

She nodded. "There are some eggs on the table if you want to start,"


"Alright, everyone!" I said. "It's time for something amazing! Let's all go out to the yard! Woot woot!!!!!"

We all dashed to the yard and they stood in a circle around me.

"Okay, Millard. Want to tell everyone what's gonna happen?"

Millard (who was wearing clothes) came up next to me and said, "Mi has figured out something spectacular with her peculiarity. She can morph into people right? She can copy any physical trait just by looking at it. What if it could go further?"

"Get to the point!" Shouted Enoch. "I've got better things to do,"

"Mi can morph into me!"

They were silent.

"Come again?" Asked Emma.

"Mi, as in her," Millard gestured at me. "Can turn into me, as in Millard,"

"Woah," said Hugh.

"Prove it!" Said Enoch.

I grabbed Millard's hand and started morphing.

There were oohs and aahs from the kids.

"Is that really what Millard looks like?" Asked Emma.

"Yeah," said Millard.

"This is extraordinary, Miss Thomason and Mr. Nullings!" Exclaimed Miss P. "Congratulations on figuring this out! It's amazing!"

The kids came to take a closer look at me, as in a copy of Millard. "It's not that impressive," said Enoch. "I mean, how is that helpful in any way? If MI's peculiarity was 'extraordinary' she'd be able to help everyone with it,"

"What's good about your peculiarity?" Asked Horace.

"Well, I'm gonna build an army and help Peculiars around the world. Once I figure out how,"

"And umm... how long have you been trying to figure it out now? Only a couple decades, huh?"


Hugh started to slow clap. But stopped with a glare from Enoch. Enoch stormed away while Miss P watched with a disapproving look.

"Really Horace?" Said Miss P and shook her head. She sighed and brought her hands together in front of her. "Good job, Mi and Millard. Hopefully you can explore this more. I'm going to begin preparing lunch. Behave yourselves children,"

We watched in silence as Miss P walked away and once she stepped inside, the rest of the kids bombed us with questions.

Time Skip

I was walking down the hallway when Horace opened his door and stuck his head out.

"Hey, Mi, said Horace. "Millard and I want to talk to you,"

I didn't get a chance to reply before he pulled me in and closed the door.

"Sorry. We just want to make sure the bird doesn't hear us," Millard said.

"What would you want to keep from Miss P? Besides she knows everything that goes on in this loop. Like EVERYTHING." I said.

"Well not this," said Horace. "You know how you could morph into Millard? What if you could morph into a hollow?"

"I think I can only do humans,"

"Hollows used to be humans," said Millard.

"Well I don't want to touch a hollow. I had to touch you before I could morph into you. Touching a hollow? Ew."

"Maybe you don't have to, Mi," said Horace. "Maybe if you saw a picture of a hollow..."

"Dude..." I was shocked they wanted me to morph into a hollow. Since when did this get so dark and scary? "I don't really want to morph into a hollow. For personal preference and I don't want to frighten the little ones,"

There was silence before Millard said, "Well if anything ever happens to us or our loop, I think we should be prepared and know exactly what we're fighting."

"You think we're gonna get attacked?" I asked.

"He didn't say that," said Horace. "It just might be good to be prepared, you know?"

"Maybe... Get me a picture. A good picture. So that I know how tall and wide and stuff it should be. I'll give it a go."

"Supper time!" Yelled Miss P from downstairs.

"Let's go," said Horace.

We left in single file and went to dinner.

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