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Important Recap: Mi and Horace are stuck cooking for the rest of the week. Horace tells Mi that Victor will leave again after Abe leaves. Emma and Enoch are pulling weeds, Abe and Millard clean the house.


You know, apart from learning about what Horace dreamed of, the cooking punishment wasn't that bad. I actually had fun and laughed a lot. Miss P wasn't amused though. Oh well. Anyway, I've been wondering about Abe and Emma. When does Abe leave? How does Emma react? Horace didn't specify, just said she doesn't do well afterwards. I feel so bad for her.

I sat on my bed thinking.

"Mi?" Asked Olive. "Why do you seem so sad?"

"I don't know, Olive. I'm just... Relaxing," I said.

"Ohhh. That makes sense!" She left the room.

"Mi," said Bronwyn. "You've been out of it for a couple days now. Ever since you came back from the present. What's wrong? Did something bad happen to you?"

Nobody else except the ones who left the loop and Miss P knew the details of our adventure.

"No, not to me," I said. "And it's not that. It's something else that I can't talk about,"

"Why can't you?"

"It's not my place to say,"

"Who is it?"

"Bronwyn..." I warned.

She put her hands up in surrender. "Alright, alright. If you need to talk though, I'm here,"


At dinner I ate silently. Chewed with my mouth closed. Didn't make stupid jokes. Cleaned off my late when I was finished. Went back up to our room without saying a word.

Emma came up to me and said, "Did I do something wrong? Whenever you see me you have this- pained look in your eyes. And walk away. I'm not sure what I did, but if you tell me I can fix it! I'm sure."

"No, you didn't do anything wrong. I can't talk about it,"

"Well, can you give me hints?"

"No, but I've been told that everyone will find out soon."

"Find out soon, what?"

I looked down at my lap.

Emma took this as a sign that something bad would happen to me. If only she knew."You'll be fine, Mi. Whatever it is that you're going through, I know you'll persevere,"

"You too,"

She looked at me confused before walking out the room quietly closing the door.

----Why, hello! Have a nice day!---

I walked down the hallway to the bathroom and I noticed that Abe's door was closed. That was strange because he usually left it open. I knocked on the door.


I heard faint rustling through the door. "One moment please, Mi."

I waited patiently staring at the door. The paint was a slightly faded brown. Never noticed that before. Maybe we could paint it later.

Abe opened the door. "Yes?"

"I was just wondering if you were ok."

"I'm fine... Why wouldn't I be?"

"Uh... I don't know. Just... Wanted to know how you were doing," I said awkwardly. "So, what are your plans for the rest of the evening?"

Abe stared at me. "What are you getting at? Do you know something?" He crossed his arms and leaned against the wall.

"Well, eh... Enoch stole my book and hid it in your room. Could I go find it?"

Abe looked skeptical. "Enoch took your book?"

I nodded.

"Since when do you read?"

Oh god.

I sighed. "Fine, I do know something. Can we go into your room and talk?"

Abe opened the door and let me in. Nothing seemed out of the ordinary except all his clothes were folded neatly on his bed.

"Are you leaving, Abe?" I stared at his bed because I couldn't bring myself to look at him.

He didn't answer.

"Emma'll be crushed. So will Miss P. You are leaving, aren't you?"

"You answered your own question. And don't try and make me feel even worse than I already do. It's been hard for all of us. But I really want to make a difference instead of hiding all the time," he said.

"I understand... I guess," I said. I gave him a hug and opened the door to leave.

Emma was standing right in front of the door about to knock, and looked at me in surprise.

"Mi? What were you doing in Abe's room?"

"You can ask him yourself," I said and gave her a hug too.

I left and went downstairs to find Horace sitting on the sofa.

"Horace, it's gonna happen soon,"

"Is he- really?"

"Yes, he just told me,"

Horace looked at me sadly. Lowering his voice and looking around, he said, "He's really leaving? Do you know when?"

"Abe's leaving???" Millard whisper yelled.

"HOLY SHI-n guards. I said shin guards,"

Horace looked at me weirdly and I suppose Millard was too, but since he wasn't wearing clothes, I couldn't tell.

"Millard! Why are you naked?" Asked Horace. "Actually, never mind. I don't want to know. The important thing is that you don't tell anyone that Abe's going,"

"WAIT WHAT???" Exclaimed Hugh, who just walked in with Fiona.

I facepalmed. "Oh goodness,"

"What's the secret?" Asked Enoch, who just walked in.

"If anyone else comes, it won't be a secret!" I said. "Close the doors, we don't want anyone else hearing,"

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