Chapter 4 - It's fun to be bad

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"It's so much more fun to be bad."

~ Caitlin Snow (Killer Frost)

Supers really shouldn't have to walk to school.

Like – aren't they all supposed to have the power to fly, or at least own a high-tech Batmobile or something? Isn't that the lesson all of those old comic books taught the public?

Okay, Celeste knew that was probably not the lesson you were supposed to learn from comic books, but it was close enough.

Not all supers got gifted with the power of transportation; you know them well: flight, teleportation, super speed, controlling the winds, portal manipulation, etc. And it happened even less of the time that a super happened to be both intelligent and rich. Because, even if you are intelligent, the chances are that you don't have the resources to actually build a super suit or a Batmobile. And, even if you are rich, you wouldn't want to hire someone to make technology that they could steal or expose you with.

So, it has now reached the conclusion that all the poor, not intelligently inclined supers with sucky powers are essentially fucked.

That brings the conversation back to Celeste.

Her full name was Celeste Moctezuma, better known as Artic Frost by the residents of Kingdom City. Based off of her name, you could pretty much tell what her superpowers were. Her domain was basically anything and everything dealing with the cold. Celeste could control ice and snow by lowering the temperature around her and guiding its energy. All in all, it was actually a pretty cool power most of the time.

But, of course, she was not without an arch nemesis: Wild Fire. They were complete opposites. He got his name because of his ability to control fire and the fact that he's basically completely unpredictable. The public still loved him for it, though. There were other heroes in Kingdom City, but they weren't as 'real' as Wild Fire was. White Knight was always too busy being full of it, and Silver Streak was too mysterious to be a real symbol. He was their favorite hero by default.

Oh, did she forget to mention?

Artic Frost wasn't exactly a hero.

Just because she was a villain didn't mean that she was a horrible person. Technically Celeste would consider herself a vigilante fighting for justice, not a super villain, but the public didn't take too kindly to that consideration.

(Celeste also considered superheroes to be hypocritical asses, but that was just her opinion.)

The fights between her and Wild Fire were things of legends in Kingdom City. They were literally fire and ice. They were practically destined to be enemies.

Though, of course, they weren't the only supers who fought all over town. White Knight and Black Knight fought all the time, but it was the same scene repeated over and over again. Black Knight would threaten to destroy the city or threaten to kill April Watson, and then White Knight would play the game for longer than necessary, putting on a show, before Black Knight escaped in some extravagant way. Silver Streak's fights were normally more inconspicuous against street cons, so they weren't really newsworthy. White Knight and Wild Fire both fought other so-called villains, but they weren't headline news. Celeste easily made the paper.

In these supposedly epic fights, Celeste and Wild Fire would damage quite a few thousands' of dollars' worth of property. She was always the one to blame for the damage, even if there were blatantly obvious burn marks in the walls. This damage would normally be coming out of the taxpayers' pockets, but the revenue was made up by the sale of Wild Fire themed articles and rallies. These only increased the ever-growing size of Wild Fire's head.

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