Chapter 23 - Open-ended endings are the best

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"Madness is the emergency exit. You can just step outside and close the door on all those dreadful things that happened. You can lock them away . . . forever."

~ The Joker

"In a miraculous turn of events this afternoon, it seems that Wild Fire has indeed taken Kingdom City's newest hero, Momentum, in under his wing. There was a fight between the two and Artic Frost, Wild Fire's most infamous enemy, downtown near the Super Museum. It has been reported that there were no casualties because of the fight and no civilians were needed to be admitted to the hospital for injuries.

"The supers were fighting for possession of a necklace Artic Frost had originally stolen from the Schow family, who run the Schow Corporation. It is currently unknown why Artic Frost tried to lure the two superheroes out with the priceless artifact, but the Super Task Force has confirmed that the necklace retrieved by Wild Fire did turn out to be a fake. They speculate that the real necklace was broken down to its original gems and sold off to stores throughout the state, untraceable. Critics of Wild Fire are firing at him for not realizing the necklace was a fake earlier.

"During the fight, Artic Frost got ahold of a little girl and seemed to threaten to hurt her before Momentum took her place. The villain knocked out our new hero and dragged him away from the scene. He surfaced hours later and the Super Task Force has confirmed through their contact with Wild Fire that Momentum was able to escape the villain's capture. It is currently unknown why the villainess wanted him.

"Super fans on the internet have speculated that Momentum is Wild Fire's sidekick, as made popular by such duos like White Lightening and his sidekick, Kratos, and Golden Eagle and The Marvel, who both later moved on to become heroes in their own right. However, a source close to the heroes has stated that they are simply acquaintances, and not a team.

"In lighter news, it seemed that overnight White Knight stopped a disastrous villain known as Pig Man from poisoning the water supply. There hasn't been a recent sighting of Black Knight since his fight with the hero earlier in the week. The absence of April Watson, White Knight's famous damsel in distress, did seem to cause a disturbance during their fight last week, but White Knight had prevailed, as he always has done.

"We have also just received news of a new deal between Rossi Corp and the Schow Corporation for Rossi Corp to have access to a subsidiary of the Schow Corporation, Paramount Pharmaceuticals. Rossi Corp sources have defended the deal saying that they hope to revive the company that went bankrupt years ago under the weight of the many lawsuits against it for giving teenagers side effects such as super powers when they took the medicine. Opponents to the deal have voiced their concern of Rossi Corp having control of a company once connected to supers with their past of being antagonistic towards certain heroes.

"Whatever the case, this has been Meredith Temple with the Super News Network. I'll see you again tomorrow at eight."

Xander stuffed another mouthful of popcorn and smiled.

The bag of popcorn was rudely ripped away from him by his mom, who stared at him sternly.

"What? Is eating popcorn a crime now?"

Her stern look got to comedic levels. "Xander Ivan Mendez, you know very well there is no popcorn for breakfast. Not to mention you're going to be late to school at this rate. You aren't Momentum or one of those other heroes you love so much, you can't just run to school in ten seconds. You need to get going."

(Oh, she had no idea.)

Xander sighed. "But, mom, I'm watching the news. The news is a good thing to watch."

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