Chapter 21 - Everyone loves a snow day

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"So last night the space-time continuum ripped apart in the middle of your apartment, which only makes it slightly less intense than last year's Thanksgiving."

~ Winn Scott

Xander was too jumpy to stop pacing. Actually, he was sure he wasn't even pacing, but just running laps around his closet bedroom at an inhuman speed. If his mother walked in, she would freak.

That stopped him from running circles. His mother walking in on her only son blurring by and creating a tornado in his room was probably not a favorable option.

Actually, Xander's room did remarkably resemble the aftermath of a hurricane with the wreckage of homework and clothes and blankets haphazardly covering the floor. That's what happened when you decided the best way to get rid of your nerves was to run laps in your bedroom that could already barley fit its bed and dresser.

It seemed to be a very good thing that he had stopped running at that exact moment though, because Xander's mom poked her head in the door with a smile. In fact, one paper that had been flying around the room had only just floated to the floor when she opened her mouth to speak, "Xander, honey, someone is here to see you."

Xander groaned. "If it's John, tell him to go away and stop pestering me about Mera. I have . . . homework."

She popped her hip. "If it was John, I would definitely not let him in our house with this mess on the floor. How do you expect to have a husband or wife one day if you can't take care of your own room first? I swear, all of you nasty teenage boys are pigs."

"But you still love me," Xander smirked.

"That's not the issue at play. Anyways, your visitor is in the kitchen."

Xander made sure her back was turned before he zoomed around his room to quickly pick up his things and put them away. In seconds the room was back to how it was before.

Probably one of the best things to come from super speed, if he was being honest.

Xander walked out into the main room, curious as to who would be visiting him other than John. He still needed to go to Wild Fire's headquarters later on, so he hoped they wouldn't take long.

"Honey, you never told me how polite your friend Mera was."

Xander stopped in his tracks. It was a sight he never thought he'd see. Mera Deauxma was standing at his kitchen counter with his mother, smiling gleefully.

(Xander had to pinch himself to make sure he wasn't dreaming)

(Like, his dream girl was in his house, standing only a couple of feet from him!)

"Um . . ."

Mera chuckled. "It's no big deal Mrs. Mendez. We don't even know each other that well."

Mrs. Mendez tilted her head. "Oh, I'd have thought by the way he goes on about you that you two were, you know, closer."

Xander wanted to throw himself off of a cliff.

Thankfully, Mera took the route that was much less painful for him.

"Well, I hope I meet your expectation of me then. I wouldn't want to let anyone down."

His mom laughed and smiled. "So, why have you decided to stop by today?"

Mera immediately straightened, like she suddenly remembered why she had shown up at Xander's house.

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