Chapter 13 - Figures from the past

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"But if you look at history the great men and women of the world have always been defined by their enemies."

~ Lex Luthor

"Sir, Lacey Carlton is here."

Trevor sighed and rubbed a hand through his hair. Of course she was. Lacey Carlton did not want to leave him alone.

"Let her in."

The door opened and Lacey Carlton strutted through with an air like she owned the place, her hair in an impeccable bun and her face perfectly done up. She couldn't even feign sadness at his father's passing with darkened eyes or a slight frown. It probably made her even happier that the prospective murderer was the person who destroyed all of the serum his father was trying to buy. Instead of his father getting the serum, the corporate spy gained superpowers and killed Paul Rossi for it.

"Trevor, I'm only here because you ignored my business calls."

He scoffed. "Don't you think there was a reason I ignored your calls?"

Lacey bit her lip, a bad habit. Trevor was as stubborn as they came, and he was in grief. Nothing Lacey Carlton said would change Trevor's mind.

She stiffened even more (if it was even possible) and stared him down, "Trevor, I was trying to help your father. If you assume I was in anyway responsible for his death-"

"I don't have to assume because I know."

She sighed. "Despite your beliefs, the death of Rossi Corp's CEO doesn't make either of our boards willing to consider a merger. Your father's death doesn't only pain me emotionally, but also corporately."

Trevor laughed deeply. "I bet you rejoiced, am I right?"

"I have worked with your father for years, Trevor," Lacey argued her point, "and even though we may be on separate sides of this business world, I never hated him. He did what he thought was right and I did what I thought was right. We were both trying to make the world a better place."

"Yeah, but at least my father earned his position."

Lacey looked at him like Trevor had taken the last straw. "Look, I am only here to offer my condolences and convince you that we're on the same side here. I don't want you falling into your grief like I once did. My dad-"

"Your dad the super villain, you mean?" Trevor asked, knowing he had hit a cord.

Back during the Blue Archer's first appearance to the world (during a period of time where The Marvel had gone underground and no one was left to protect his patron city, Empire City) he fought a dangerous group of villains known as the Terror Trio. Their leader, Venom, threatened to kill the mayor of Empire City if he didn't hand over something very important. He refused and was then murdered by the villains. It turned out they were working for a bigger fish called Nemesis who wanted it revealed to the world that the mayor used to be the most dangerous villain of all time, Smith.

Smith didn't seem like someone who would induce fear into anyone with a common name like that, but that's exactly how he did induce his fear. He could've been anyone, even the man who would one day run for mayor. He was presumed dead after his fight with his arch nemesis, The Avenger, but really he had just hung up his cape to live a normal life.

Lacey Carlton and her twin brother, Archer, were both descendants of the worst super villain to ever grace the earth, but people seemed to forget that when they remembered that Archer was a superhero (Tornado) and Lacey was married to a shining vigilante (Blue Archer). It sickened Trevor how those two could be so quick to dismiss villains as heartless when they were raised by one.

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