Chapter 9 - The birth of a vendetta

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"You're probably thinking,  'My boyfriend said this was a superhero movie but that guy in the suit just turned that other guy into a fucking kabab!'  Well, I may be super, but I'm no hero. And yeah, technically, this is a murder. But some of the best love stories start with a murder. And that's exactly what this is, a love story. And to tell it right... I gotta take you back to long before I squeezed this ass into red spandex."

~ Wade Wilson (Deadpool)

Turns out, not as easy as Xander thought to break into the room of a very famous multimillionaire.

The guard outside the room was still – like statue level still. There was no way he'd make it into the room without him noticing, even his speed would require him to open the door that the guard stood at.

So Xander decided that he needed a distraction. He walked down to the other end of the hall and found a trashcan. He always wanted to make a scene like this. The stuff the protagonist did in movies.

The can crashed to the floor with a loud bang, hopefully the people in the waiting room couldn't hear with the door there closed. All he needed was the guard. Xander then feigned a high-pitched voice and yelled out, "Help! He's chasing me down the hall!"

In seconds the guard appeared. "Hey, you! What's going on?"

Xander shrugged. "I don't know, but some dude with a knife attacked this lady and started chasing her down the hall. If I were you, I'd try and stop him. You seem like a big enough guy. I'm a stick, I'm no help to anyone."

The guard sighed and muttered something under his breath about useless kids and chased after the imaginary man with the knife.

Xander took the opportunity to walk back around the corner and open the unguarded door to Paul Rossi's room. A male nurse was just exiting the place, causing the two people to bump into each other.

"Sorry," Xander apologized, letting the nurse go past him.

Well, there went Xander's surprise entrance.

"Xander? What on earth are you doing here?" Paul Rossi asked.

He forgot that the man knew him from his time hanging around his son.

"Um . . ."

Paul sighed and took a sip from a small plastic cup on the table full of a clear liquid. The medicine the nurse must've brought in. "Why have you visited? If it is on my son's behalf, let it be known that I don't need any more pity visits."

Xander narrowed his eyes. Paul Rossi was literally just shot, he was in no shape to already be insulting people. It made Xander mad that he was enough to get the old man rude again.

"I came to ask for your help."

The guy actually laughed.

"Son, I don't just give out favors, even while I'm immobile on this bed I hold more power in my pinky than you have in your entire body. What makes you think I would help you?"

Xander sighed. All of a sudden his hand started vibrating again, just like before outside his apartment building. It seemed like he still didn't have control of his powers.

Paul Rossi wasn't a dim man, he noticed. His eyes went wide and he sat up straighter in his bed. "You're a super."

"As of last night apparently."

Realization passed over Paul's face pretty quickly.

"You! You were at the warehouse, weren't you? You were the one who destroyed all of the PF-08-2 serum and freaked out my business partner. You must've got some of it in your system. You're a Potent, aren't you?"

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